
Anemia Decreases the Number of Red Blood Cells Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Anemia is a blood condition with decreasing number of red blood cells (RBC) or less than normal levels of hemoglobin (an essential protein that carries oxygen to your tissues and organs) in the blood. Anemia usually occurs when individual does not have enough red blood cells the cells that transport hemoglobin (Hb) throughout your body. [4]
Iron deficiency anemia is a common form of anemia that occurs if person does not have sufficient iron in body. Without enough iron your body starts using the iron it has stored. Soon, the stored iron gets used. After the stored iron is used, your body makes fewer red blood cells. The red blood cells it does make have less hemoglobin than normal. [4]
Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue, chest pain, …show more content…

Anemia is a common comorbidity in HF is associated with increased disease severity and also contributes to a worse outcome. The mechanism through which anemia contributes to negative outcome in chronic HF patients is multifactorial and complex. Important factors include, bone marrow resistance to erythropoietin, renal failure, chronic inflammation, medication use and hematinic deficiencies, in particular iron deficiency (ID). Generally, the presence of ID is only considered clinically relevant in the presence of anemia. However, a decreased hemoglobin levels can be viewed as the end result of a process beginning with gradual depletion of iron stores. Even if patients are not anemic, ID already may be common in chronic HF, with or without anemia, is associated with decreased aerobic performance and exercise intolerance, recently also shown in chronic HF. [5]
Anemia is an independent factor in mortality in people with chronic heart failure. Anemia, or a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, is much linked to heart disease because the heart has to work harder to pump more blood and oxygen through the body [4]. Iron deficiency in heart failure can be due to a number of factors, it may be caused by a lack of nutrients in a person’s diet or by the body’s inability to absorb nutrients from food. Heart failure can also cause a back up of fluid (edema). This edema produces a higher volume of blood plasma (the liquid part of blood), which can dilute red

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