
Angela Lee Duckworth's The Key To Success

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Imagine a world in which “grit” was rarely valued amongst people--a world in which no one wished to work hard to achieve their goals, and gave up as soon as hardships came their way. Imagine regressing hundreds of years back, simply because no one had been determined enough to continue pushing themselves, and grant us with the countless advancements we have been gifted with today. On the other hand, envision a world in which people all around the world were completely driven by the prospect of achieving success, persevering against all odds. They would display is an example of “grit”. Angela Lee Duckworth, a speaker from the TED Talk “The Key to Success? Grit”, believes grit is “passion and perseverance for very long term goals.” To her, “Grit …show more content…

Countless figures in history, including people like Thomas Edison, were able to succeed only because of the determination they had to achieve their goal, and their ability to persevere regardless of the hardships they had been confronted with. Grit allows us to keep going, after thousands of failures or setbacks, pushing through even after being told you would fail. Grit keeps us from giving up, making us try time after time again. Angela Lee Duckworth’s quote can be applied to my life, as well as the lives of many others in the arts and in history. The most prominent experience in my life, in which I had to be resilient and display a large amount of “grit”, would be the struggle I had trying to move up in my band; in the end, my hard work and determination paid off and I surpassed my expectations. In the arts, the protagonist in the book series Harry Potter can easily be considered to have displayed the traits Angela Duckworth was talking about, never giving up regardless of the challenges ahead. Finally, throughout his life, Thomas Edison had been known to never give up, continuously being forced to overcome challenges, yet never giving up through it all. Now, upon realizing the impact grit has on success, the following question arises: what would the world be like if everyone displayed this trait, determined to achieve their goal no matter how hard the task becomes? Therefore, the next time you are faced with an obstacle, do not be intimidated by it and turn back, but rather face it head on, knowing it will make you stronger. Get back up after each time you are pushed to the ground, and you might just end up exceeding even your own

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