
Animal Abuse In America

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It seems like nowadays nearly everyone in society knows something about the abuse. If not, abuse is a somatic or physiological form of harm. It also seems that more and more people are getting concerned about animal abuse, and promptly because of that, there are more foundations to help rescue animals, and nurture them back to health. However, animals around the globe are still not getting rescued and are getting abused. In order to be fully acquainted about animal abuse, the common types of animal abuse, and the causes of animal abuse must all be explored, as well as the ways to prohibit the occurrence of animal abuse. Animals have rights, those in which are being violated. Animals can not defend themselves, so America needs to defend animal …show more content…

Puppy mills are large scale breeding facilities where workers focus more about money than they do the well being of the puppies or dogs at the puppy mills. The article “Animal Protection” explains that” Puppy mills usually house dogs with overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate veterinary care, food, water, and socialization”(2). In puppy mills dogs are often kept in small wire cages , which injure the paw pads and can catch infection. In order to receive profits back to back, female dogs are bred at every opportunity with little to no time between litters to heal and recover. Most pet stores often get the pups from Puppy mills. The fact is, responsible breeders want a good home for the puppies rather than just letting anyone take the puppies home. “ASPCA” Explains “To make adoption your first option over pet stores”(5). The first stride to shutting down puppy mills would be to stop buying puppies or dogs from pet shops and to start buying the puppies from the breeder. Though most people have committed some form of animal abuse in one’s lifetime, people often deny …show more content…

According to Carol Glaser, in her article “See No Evil” Explains that “People, therefore, deny animal suffering when they choose not to acknowledge or understand it (cognition), are not bothered or disturbed by it (emotion), do not find it to be wrong or an issue or something they should be concerned with (morality), and don't react to put a stop to it (action)” (5). Animal abuse should a very disturbing topic and should also cause people to take an action to put a stop to it. Taking an action would include becoming a vegetarian or vegan, rescuing animals from abusive homes, or even donate money to an animal rescue agency would be taking action. An animal charity is a place where citizens donate money either through the mail or online to a charity of your choice to help animals going through abuse get nursed back to health, or at worse case get put out of misery. Most of the people that deny being involved with animal abuse might not have known, but eating meat would be considered a case of animal abuse. When people buy meat they are really just paying other people to abuse an animal for others consumption. When people are buying meat, they need to acknowledge the fact that it is contributing to animal abuse. Gary L. Francicone in his article “Eating Meat Is Also Animal Abuse” Explains that “ We kill and eat more than fifty-eight billion animals each year here in America, not including fish.

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