
Animal Assisted Therapy

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From Florence Nightingale’s statements that patients should take care of animals through Dr. Levinson articles regarding his experiences that spurned research to this day into Animal-Assisted Therapy, patients have reaped the benefits. These benefits are both physiological as it relates to changes in the persons physical condition and psychosocial refers to changes in a person’s mental or emotional condition. Animals have the ability to continue to play an important part in the medical field.
What is Animal Assisted Therapy and Does it Work?

While people love their pets this paper considers if animals have a larger therapeutic roll. Looking at the consumer spending on pets alone, one can get a sense of the importance we focus …show more content…

is to help lead the world in advancing human health and well-being through positive interactions with animals. We help people throughout the world become healthier and happier by incorporating therapy, service and companion animals into their lives.” This group has an extremely rigid and structured definition of what constitutes an AAT animal. Delta’s definition, of AAT therapy animals must be have an assignment to a single person not generalized visitation to a hospital, or rehabilitation facility. The Delta Society refers to a general visitation dog as an Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) or visiting dog. The Delta Society existing definitions of AAA and AAT (Delta Society, 2010) as follows: Animal assisted therapy: AAT is a goal directed intervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria is an integral part of the treatment process. AAT used at the direction of and/or delivered by a health/human services professional with specialized expertise, and within the scope of practice of his/her profession. AAT is designed to promote improvement in human physical, social, emotional, and/or cognitive functioning [cognitive functioning refers to thinking and intellectual skills]. AAT is provided in a variety of settings and may be group or individual in nature. This process is documented and evaluated.

Animal assisted activities: AAA

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