
Animal Farm

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Within the song Beasts of England from the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, one is portrayed the central idea of rebelling against the farm, which is implied by the speaker Old Major. The reader is able to identify the essential idea through Old Majors portrayal of the conflict between the animals in the farm and mankind, which causes animals to endure numerous obstacles throughout their arduous lives. For example, “How does the life of an animal pass? In endless drudgery. What’s the first lesson an animal learns? To endure its slavery. How does the life of an animal end? In cruel butchery.”. Here, one is able to comprehend that Old Major initially demonstrates the essential conflict within the song, in order to use this in conveying to …show more content…

For instance, “Pull the rings out from your noses, tear the saddle from your back! Bit and spur must rust forever, cruel whips no more shall crack.”. Here, the reader is able to identify that Old Major is indirectly denoting the conflict between mankind and animals, because when the animals revolt, there will no longer be any aspects, which will impede them from acquiring independence. Furthermore, by rebelling against man, the animals of the farm would acquire the resources of their surrounding environment, which were initially obtained by man. As seen here, “Beasts of England, seize the prizes. Wheat and barley, oats and hay, clover, beans and mangel wurzel, shall be ours upon that day.”. Therefore, one is demonstrated that only through rebellion will the animals of the farm attain independence, where they will be able to obtain food rather than mankind using it for commerce. Thus, Old Major applies the conflict between mankind’s supremacy over the farm animals, it order to signify that they must rebel in order to live affluently, where they will no longer undergo complications within their

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