
Animal Farm Film Analysis

Decent Essays

This essay is a comparative analysis between the film and novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell in 1943 and published on the 17th of August 1945. A motion picture of the novel was later produced on the 29th of December 1954 by director Joy Bachelor. There are many differences and similarities between the novel and film involving the use of characters, symbolism, themes, dialogue and events. Animal farm was a successful novel as the length was 112 pages, therefore the movie was timed at a substantial amount of 72 minutes. Both forms of the story incorporate the themes successfully with the Russian Revolution as the basic allegory and the overall aim of the book reached.

In examining the major characters in the …show more content…

The characters such as Boxer, Mollie and Napoleon all were symbols for the class structure, dictatorship and totalitarianism in the allegory. Majority of the symbolism is observed in the film, although, the symbolism demonstrated in greater detail and thought in the book includes the quotes, ‘Song- Beasts of England’ and the Class structure between the characters. When contrasting the movie to the book, the symbolism featured in the movie alone include blood, noise, sound and music which is witnessed by the audience. Mollie (the pony) was a representation of the people in society that did not want change to occur; this is proven in her questioning “Will there be sugar after the rebellion?”. The novel made Mollie the pony a significant part of the revolution, however, the film had not mentioned her, leaving those in the revolution not-included.The Symbolism in the book is deemed greater as the book utilises literary techniques to portray and the impact they have on the characters and storyline. The movie features less symbols in contrast to the book as the duration of the film impacted the opportunities to incorporate further symbolism.

When investigating the themes and tone of the film and novel, common links can be observed such as the class structure, dictatorship and the corruption of power. The themes evident in

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