
Animal Testing Is Unnecessary Essay

Decent Essays

Animal testing (noun. The use of animals in research and development projects for purposes of determining the safety of substances such as foods, drugs or cosmetics.); It is something we never have to imagine going through, so why should animals? Animal testing should be illegal. Firstly, animal testing is unnecessary, cruel, and inhumane. Secondly, animals do not accurately represent human bodies, so test results may be inaccurate. Lastly, there are many other methods of deeming product safety that do not involve inflicting harm on any animals, making animals testing completely unnecessary. Despite all these facts, vivisectors (those who engages in the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation.), …show more content…

This horrendous process is not only cruel but inhumane. Defenseless animals are seized from their natural habitats and confined to barren cages; socially isolated, and psychologically traumatized. Ask yourself this, is murder moral? Is torture? No! Murder and torture are criminal offenses. Despite this, each year, over 100 million animals including frogs, cats, dogs, mice, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, fish, monkeys, and birds to name a few, are abused and killed in United States laboratories. For what? Medical training, biology lessons, curiosity-driven experiment, and chemical, food, drug, and cosmetics testing. In the moments before their deaths, these helpless animals are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized for hours, some have holes drilled into their skulls or their spinal cords crushed, and others have their skin burned off. If these atrocious acts were performed outside the laboratory, they would be considered a felony, yet vivisectors inflict torture on animals every day without any legal questioning. Call it medical research and you can get away with murder. Animal testing is animal killing, therefore, it should be illegal. Some may argue that animals are not humans, so we have no reason to care about them. You say animals are not humans, yet still, they are used to test human products. Animals do not use shampoo and Windex, so why should they be involved in the

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