
Animal Testing Research Paper

Decent Essays

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing? The practice of animal testing has been a contentious topic for many years and the debate on the subject seems never ending. There are pros and cons, both of which have well thought out points. Many people support the act of animal testing, however many are against it. I, for one, am opposed to animal testing and have been for years. I am a lover of animals, as many people are, and this topic has always bothered me. There is no doubt in my mind that this cruel, inhumane action is wrong, but many Americans and others around the world think otherwise. This is why I decided to write about this subject; I want to know what causes people to think animal testing is acceptable. …show more content…

Roughly 26 million animals every year are turned over for animal testing ( It has been practiced for thousands of years, with the first instance of animal research dating back to around 500 BC (and even then many frowned upon it). People who are for animal testing voice that it has created life-saving treatment for humans as well as animals. Those who are against it say that it’s an inhumane and cruel form of research, and there are better, safer alternatives scientists can use to continue with their …show more content…

In order for scientists to get a better understanding of the healing process, the animals also endure plenty of burns and other wounds. They also state that there are better alternatives to testing that don’t require the use of animals. Testing and studying cells inside a petri dish has been proven to display more accurate results than testing on animals, because they would be using human cells. On the other hand, the pro side argues that there is no other alternative to animal testing, because there are certain side effects that certain drugs could cause. These side effects would not be visible if the drug was tested on human cells in a petri dish. Using live animals helps researchers know and understand exactly how living things react to various drugs and they can apply their understandings to benefit humans and

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