
Animal Testing Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Use of Animal Testing in Cosmetics and Skincare

Our country is home to a handful of cosmetic and skin care companies, many of which have become a part of our society’s daily routine. What many of us users may not know about these products is how they have been tested to their perfection. A large amount of companies choose to use an outdated and cruel way of testing product’s safety for in order to ensure perfection. Animals aid testing by being an empty slate for these cosmetic companies to test and improve their products. However, with other testing options available, why do companies continue to use this cruel and inhumane way of using animals for our selfish benefits? The first year that Animal Testing started was 1922. Now, 94 years …show more content…

One of their purposes is not to be used as the control group in a science experiment to test what face cream, mascara or other beauty products works for what skin types on humans.
Many of America’s favorite go-to skin care products and cosmetics are tested on animals. Despite that, there are products on the market that use alternative testing procedures yet are still considered safe and effective. In the article titled Animal Testing on Cosmetics written by author Ian Murnaghan, the controversy of animal testing in cosmetics is referred to when he says, “The practice is particularly controversial because animals may experience discomfort, suffering and ultimately die, all in the name of aesthetics and 'looking good.’”. Much of what he says in this quote can be applied to extremely popular cosmetic brands like Sephora , Almay, and Revlon who all use animal testing to build their products to maximum use. Brands that compare to these are ELF, Too Faced, and Physicians Formula who all claim to using alternative procedures to show the importance of being …show more content…

I also agree with this; however, I don't agree that it means we should be using animal skin either. Many of the cruelty-free brands use reconstructed skin tests to in order to assure a safe product before it hits the market. Companies like, EpiDerm, EPISKIN and SkinEthic are all known to help aid cruelty-free cosmetic companies by creating a reconstructed epidermis to test products on before they are released. In the article titled “About Cosmetic Animal Testing”, written by Humane Society International, when talking about alternatives to animal testing they claim, “Making use of a growing number of advanced non-animal safety tests that can better predict how humans will react to chemicals. More than 40 non-animal tests have been validated for use, and these modern alternatives can offer results that are more relevant to people, often more cheaply and quickly, too.” This reassurance that there are various other ways to test cosmetic products aside from harming live animals, possibly kill them, gives cosmetic companies little to no excuse as to why they are continuing this outdated and cruel form of testing. Cosmetic brands have been choosing animal testing to prove that their products are safe; however, they have the option to stop the torturing and killing of animals and switch

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