
Animal Testing Satire

Good Essays

Did you know that about 70,000 animals are killed every year due to animal testing? Well, it's true. A lot of people don't take it into consideration, but it's an issue that we really need to address. What is Animal testing exactly? It's when company after company removes animals from their natural habitats and exposes them to dangerous chemicals.
Animal testing is wrong and it is cruel to animals. Each year about five million dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and other animals die in lethal dose tests performed in many states around the United States. During a lethal dose test, the experimental substance is forced into the animal’s throats or is pumped into their stomachs by a tube, sometimes causing death by stomach rupture or from the …show more content…

Not only do they experience deprivation, the U.S. law allows scientists to burn, shock, poison, starve, drown, isolate, and create brain damage to these poor animals. Even with alternatives to different methods of testing is available, the law does not require for them to be used. So, animals are still being tortured during these experiments.
On the other hand, some people might say that animal testing is used so scientists can find cures for certain diseases. This point makes sense because people are struggling every day with a sickness that has not yet been cured. However, we definitely do not need to proceed to test on these animals and making their lives a living nightmare. Therefore, scientists need to consider other options that do not involve harming animals. There are so many different methods scientists can use for an alternative.
There are so many reasons to stop animal testing. These are examples are done to animals in laboratories but if they are done outside of these test labs, they would be considered a crime and animal abuse. Animals suffer during these tests and in these dark and cold cages with no protection from the cruel experiments that they do to them. Some scientists have come up with alternatives that are more modern and doesn’t use animal, but most scientists are wasting this opportunity and still harming animals for

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