
Animal Testing and Hunting: Stopping the Slaughter Essay

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We, as humans, mistreat the animal population. On a smaller scale, the human population wastes domestic and wild, animals for medical testing, for their fur, and for entertainment such as dog fighting. These things may not seem to be globally threatening, yet the constant waste of certain species of animals and the destruction of an animal's natural habitat will lead to the endangerment and eventually the extinction of the species. Furthermore, many people are unaware that the world is currently in the midst of the largest mass extinction in history.

The human population's use of domesticated and wild animals is both horrific and dangerously frivolous. For example, one might examine the usage of vivisection, or animal testing. Over …show more content…

For example, Asiatic bears are now on the list of endangered animals due to the fact that the Chinese population restrictively cages them in farms and gives them little to no food or water. Because the Chinese believe that the bile from the bear's gallbladder has healing power, they extract it for the use of curing headache, kidney stones, cirrhosis, and it has been lately used in shampoo and as an aphrodisiac. Furthermore, animals such as the Black Rhino (whose horns are ground into powder for use as a fever-reducing agent in traditional oriental medicines and is carved into dagger handles in the Middle East) and the African Elephant (whose ivory tusks have been hunted for centuries) are declining sharply due to human wants.
Very little has been done to reverse the mass hunting of animals, although there are a few noted instances of the national community joining together to resolve this issue. For instance, in order to control the hunting that was quickly bringing many species of whale onto the list of endangered species, an international whaling convention was organized in 1946. From this, the International Whaling Commission was created and, through it, a scientific committee was set up in order to monitor the whale population and dub species "protected" if they have dwindling populations . Although this step was an initial start, further decreasing populations forced the IWC to prohibit, in 1982, commercial

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