
Animal Veterinarian Job Essay

Decent Essays

When I was younger, I had always fantasized about being a paleontologist, someone who digs up fossils for research. After that, I wanted to become a veterinarian, a doctor for animals. In the present, I want to be a large animal veterinarian. Contrary to a regular veterinarian, a large animal veterinarian is a veterinarian for larger animals. Large animal veterinarians work with animals such as lions, bears, elephants, and rhinoceroses. But due to the size and aggression of these animals, this can prove to be a very dangerous job because many veterinarians have gotten injured in their work. Due to these circumstances, I think that it would be a really suitable job for me. I will also be able to help animals that are in danger, sick, or injured. Doing this job will make many families happy, as well as many animals. I think I would be good at this job because I know a lot about animals, like the hippo is the most feared animal in Africa because it kills the most people due to its territorial habits. Another thing that would make me qualified for this job is that I love animals and taking care of them. I also find science quite easy for me, especially biology , which could help me understand how to take care of animals. Since I have skills in all of these areas, I think the job of a large animal veterinarian would be the perfect career for me. …show more content…

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