
Animals Have An Effect Of Stress On The Body By Ann Pietrangelo

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In these modern times, scientists use animals to perform scientific experiments. What people do not know is these animals live terrible lives full of pain and hardship. So what are the negative effects that labs have on animals? According to, “Animals in labs live stressful, monotonous, and unnatural lives of daily confinement and deprivation.” Their whole lives are full of the weight the lab experiments put them through. According to the Humane Society International, “Animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to forced feeding, forced inhalation...prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other wounds...the infliction of pain...neck-breaking...or other means”. In the first chapter of Animals …show more content…

A little stress is good for the mind and body, but a great deal of stress can be harmful. So how does great amounts of stress affect the body and mind? According to the article THE EFFECTS OF STRESS ON THE BODY by Ann Pietrangelo, “Frequent or chronic stress makes your heart work too hard for too long, raising your risk of hypertension and problems with your blood vessels and heart. You’re at higher risk of having a stroke or heart attack.” Chronic stress can cause health issues that can damage the body. Not only does stress affect your health but it also affects your mood and behavior. The article STRESS SYMPTOMS: EFFECTS ON YOUR BODY AND BEHAVIOR explains that people with chronic stress experience “anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus...anger, sadness or depression”. In ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION, Grandin tells an example of the negative effects of stress. There are two German orphanages; one was run by a nice and kind woman while the other was run by a nasty, mean woman. Grandin explains, “ Doctors were measuring all the children’s growth, and they found that...the children...that...were stressed by a nasty adult...didn’t grow as well as the other children” (page 21). In this case stress literally stunted the growth of the young children. Clearly, great amounts of stress are problematic for …show more content…

We know that autistic children struggle with social situations and communicating their feelings, but can animals help with that? The atricle presented by says, “The autistic children who played with...hamsters showed more socialbility by talking, smiling, laughing, looking at faces, and making physical contact wth other.” The children exposed to the hamster came out of their shells and were happy and almost acting like normal children. According to the article AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDERS, autistic children with animals assisted therapy, “show fewer autistic behaviors, were less easily distracted, and were more likely to engage in conversation and discussion”. Having a animals by their side helps autistic children feel more normal and can even help them communicate their feelings. Temple Grandin, an autistic animals behavior specialist, attended a school where the children were able to care for and interact with horses. Grandin admits, “Animals saved me” (page 4), and also claims, “If you take two kids who have the same problem to the same degree of severity, and one of them rides a horse regularly and the other one doesn’t, the rider will end up doing better than the non rider” (page 5). Grandin’s own experience with animals helps her understand the true impact they can have on autistic people. In conclusion, animals can immensely impact the lives of autistic people in

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