
Ann Folger 's Life Of Rural Domesticity And Christian Service

Decent Essays

Ann Folger, originally from a Baptist church has “settled into a life of rural domesticity and Christian service” (103). Inspired by Matthias, Ann had abandoned her old life to begin a new one under the teachings of Matthias. Ann Folger was so inspired by Matthias that she threw everything away to follow him. Not only was she inspired by Matthias, but she had lust for him. For all the wrong reasons Ann started followed Matthias only to get close to him personally. Differently from how Elijah joins Matthias’ Kingdom, Ann starts to feel lust towards Matthias which led her to join him. As Matthias preached about Match spirits and his own spirit, Ann started to feel lustful towards him. When Matthias and Ann began to talk there conversion started to lead astray, “not only about male government and female perfidy but about match spirits and holy children” (118). At this point Matthias instead of punishing Ann for being lustful, he encourages her to fall to lust. Ann seeing no wrong in flirting with Matthias only makes it worse because he refuses to stop it from happening. Van Wagenen describing Ann’s true intentions, “she coupled her own faith with her own notions of what was going on, notions that had to do less with divine patriarchy than with devilish lust” (118). Van Waganen perfectly explains Ann’s delusion of faith. She explains how her own actions is her way of expressing her faith towards Matthias, but only to be blinded by her own imagination. Rather than spreading the

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