
Anne Bradstreet : A New World And New Manners Essay

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Anne Bradstreet struggled entering Puritan society and submitting to the demands of the new society. When arriving in Massachusetts, Bradstreet ‘found a new world and new manners’ which she did not understand and found difficulty adjusting to. The conflict between Bradstreet’s desire to rebel and the Puritan belief is seen throughout her poetry. Focusing on two of her poems, In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and a Half Old and Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th 1666 the struggle Bradstreet experiences between her emotions and her desire to have faith in her religion is evident in the transition of thought throughout her poetry. The conflict between her religion and her desire for emotional freedom is a common theme in her poetry. Religion permeated every aspect of Bradstreet’s life including her relationships; especially her marriage. To My Dear and Loving Husband Bradstreet’s dedication to being the perfect Puritan wife is seen is evident. Marriages in Puritan society were based on the biblical scripture; ‘wives, yield to your husbands’ , with the sincere belief that women were to subject to the husbands and support their needs before their own. To My Dear and Loving Husband captures Bradstreet’s relationship with her husband as it is plain and simple. Typical of a Puritan marriage, Bradstreet submits to her husband and shows her duty in loving him. ‘If ever man were

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