
Anne Bradstreet's Here Follows Some Follows Upon The Burning Of Our House

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An elegy, a poem written in honor of a deceased. It mourns the death of an individual through looking at the bright side. It can release stress because of all the emotions that could not be held in anymore. This can be clearly portrayed in Anne Bradstreet’s Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House and Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in Country Churchyard. Both of the writers have feelings of depression. The writers bring up subtle comparisons between the poem and themselves. The arising themes remain constant through spirituality. In both of the stories, there is an identified preposition of melancholy, potential, and spirituality.
To start off with the poem Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House, Anne Bradstreet sets up the tone of sadness and says that she was awakened by a noise, a voice screaming “fire” and how heartbreaking it was to lose her home and possessions (Elegy 178). Bradstreet describes how her home looks after the incident. Her and her family have to start all over again. Bradstreet feels like everything has been taken away from her and will not be able to move on in line. She is having feelings of melancholy. Consequently, Bradstreet has an epiphany and says, “Adieu, adieu, all’s vanity” (Elegy 179). This means that she is saying all her possessions are worthless. This is a turning point in Bradstreet’s life that she was gifted with. She now sees how her ambition, potential, and hope can change her future life. She had been taking

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