
Anne Frank: Comparing The Book And Movie

Decent Essays

Anne Frank’s diary has changed how people have thought of world war 2 for many years. There are many differences in how the story is told through a play and a movie.the story takes place in a secret hide out called the annex. It is mainly about the 2 years that Anne, her family, the Van Daans, and Mr.Dussel. While there are many differences between the movie and the play they are both generally the same. They both show Mr.Kraler and Miep as the people that help Anne and the others in the annex through their tough time. They feed them with ration books they had to get from others because there is a war going on in the world at that time. Anne also becomes angry with Mr.Dussel and her mom in both story interpretations. She says that her mom …show more content…

First Off, the movie mentions that Mr.Dussel has a fiance, which is the opposite of the play where it says that Mr.Dussel has no family at all, which makes it easier for him to come to the annex. Also, it says in the movie that the people in the annex were allowed to come out the annex to work and to help make spices for Mr.Kraler. This is very different from the play where they are scared to even come out to scare a theft away in fear of being caught by the green police. One of the biggest differences is that the building was sold. This adds a twist to the movie because they are then allowed to be louder during the entire day, not having to be quite while the workers are below them. I think that the movie did this so that the audience wouldn't get bored of the people just sitting around the entire day. Mr.Dussel does dental work on Mrs. Van Daan and peter forgets to bolt a door which leads to Mr.Kraler having to break a window to get into the building below the annex are a few of the other things that don't happen in the play but happen in the movie. In conclusion the movie and the play are very similar, but vary in a few substantial ways. Anne Frank has made a lot of books, movies, and plays come out through her writing in her journal. Her diary has made people want to remember the past so that they can try and change the

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