
Anne Frank Symbols

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Timed write of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank A safe haven can mean many different things to many different people. A safe haven can be a person, pet, object, or place. In The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, her safe place is the annex. The annex houses a handful of people of the Jewish culture, and Anne Frank’s family created that handful of people. All the different people in the annex hold many unique views of one another, but they are all together in that small annex for a reason, to survive.
The biography The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank integrates many different symbols throughout its story. The symbol of the annex dominated over all the other symbols. The annex represents a home, a sense of fear and safety, and the Holocaust. The many people living in the annex use this annex at a home. While they are in hiding …show more content…

The families of the annex experienced what they thought to be a life threatening moment, “Quote when the members of the annex thought no one else was in the building so they were being loud only to hear someone in the stairwell” (Frank page number). The frightened annex members soon discovered the owner of the building sent a plumber in and forgot to tell them. These people lived in constant fear of being found. They worried about being sent to concentration camps. They stressed over the fact that if they became noticeable to the people outside of the annex, their lives could be over.

The annex in the story The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne frank shows to be a consistent symbol throughout the entire story. The annex that houses too many people for its size brings out the best and worst in each character. Anne experiences many moments of happiness, anger, sadness, and irritation in the annex that is caused by the other members of the annex. The van Daan family is the source of most irritation for little Anne Frank. Mrs. van Daan, to be specific, aggravates Anne the

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