
The Holocaust and The Final Solution Plan Essay

Decent Essays

The Holocaust, it’s such a horrific topic. Why do we study this? The answer I will give at the end of this essay, although, there are many ways people look at the holocaust, different opinions that people have, different understandings. This is my understanding.
Holocaust. (The Greek word meaning Whole (Holo), and burnt (Caust). The name although sad, is quite an appropriate name for this event in history, because the Jewish people’s spirt, was almost entirely “Burnt”. Hitler’s rise to power began in the year of 1919, the NAZI party was started during post World War 1, and Hitler became the leader of Germany, with the help of his “High Charisma”. Being able to spread his racist ideals with ease. His hatred was directed for the most …show more content…

Throughout the duration of the war Allied forces would capture German troops, thus making them P.O.W’s. (Prisoners of War) Germany had two types of internment camps, one type treated Jews more fairly, giving them substantial amount of food, and labor that didn’t involve “Digging your own grave” While the other one was just the opposite. They would take prisoners from the more fairly treated camps and trade them for German P.O.W’s. Hitler’s reasons for doing so is that he was afraid that if the world knew of what despicable crimes that Hitler was committing that the world would have a major revolt towards Germany. Hitler’s plan worked well, gaining back able bodied soldiers, while keeping his crimes hidden, under a thick veil of deceive. Although hard to admit, Hitler was a prodigy.

Anne Frank is the most well known member of the “Secret Annex” The reason being she has given the most descriptive and vivid feel of what it’s like hiding from Germany’s rule during the Holocaust, through her diary, that was published by Otto Frank, (Anne’s father, also the only survivor of the Secret Annex.) Otto read Anne’s diary and figured that the world needs to know about what was written in her diary. In later times when the diary had become more well known, the school that Anne Frank attended before the Holocaust, was renamed, “Anne Frank middle school.” The members of the Secret Annex were the Van Danns, Peter, Mr., and Mr.’s, Mr. Dussel, and the

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