
Annotated Bibliography: A Literature Review

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Annotated Bibliography
Abowitz, D.A., Knox, D. & Zusman, M. (2010). Emotional abuse among undergraduates in romantic relationships, International journal of sociology of the family, 36(2), 117-132.
This article analyzes the results of a non-random convenience sample of undergraduate students to identify characteristics of those who are emotionally abused. The measures used where demographic factors, risky dating and relationship attitudes or behaviors, previous experiences of abuse or victimizations. After this, a profile was created which included predictive factors. Determining what factors can predict the likelihood of an undergraduate student to be involved in an abuse relationship is vital information when it comes to prevention and awareness …show more content…

The survey conducted asked questions using a likehart scale with sub-surveys assessing the attitudes and behaviors of bystanders witnessing sexual and intimate partner violence (IPV). The authors report the results left many questions. For example, future research may want to include questions of the participant’s own attitude or perception on bystander participation. It is suggested further education is needed and discussion needs to take place to identify the understanding of IPV so a bystander will have the knowledge to assess the situation, identify the best way to intervene and to take safe action. This article is helpful to our group to confirm the argument education, awareness and prevention of IPV is still needed in colleges and universities.

Davidson, M., & Bowen, N. (2011). Academia meets community agency: How to foster positive collaboration in domestic violence and sexual assault work. Journal of Family Violence, 26(4), 309-318. doi:10.1007/s10896-011-9366-4 The authors, a professor from the University of Nebraska and a member of the Voices of Hope Program in Lincoln, Nebraska provide insight and recommendations for positive collaboration between researchers and community agencies. They cite other studies …show more content…

To be part of the study participants needed to be heterosexual, and in a relationship that was sexually, physically and/or psychologically abusive. The women were asked to provide information to open ended questions related to their decision to leave the relationship or stay. The narrative prompt survey asked questions inquiring why each participant chose to stay in the abusive relationship or why you decided to leave the relationship. The findings of the study implicated that there was a widespread minimization and lack of understanding about abuse. The authors suggest that there is a need for dating violence education beginning early in life. The importance of the college mental health providers providing information regarding the risks of staying in an abusive relationship is also recommended. The findings of further study of a more diverse larger population would make the results more generalizable. Further study would promote increased understanding of the reasons for staying or leaving in this type of relationship. This article helpful to our group to confirm the argument that education, awareness and prevention of IPV is still needed in colleges and

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