
Annotated Bibliography On Non Relational Databases Essay

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Abstract – With companies such as Facebook and Google producing large volumes of data, known as Big Data, the popularity of NoSQL databases has risen in the past decade as traditional relational databases cannot handle the vast amount of data as it was not designed to effectively manage such a large data collection. The following research paper gives an introduction to non-relational databases otherwise known as NoSQL. It defines what a NoSQL database is, the origins of its existence and the various types of NoSQL databases. It goes on to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of non-relational databases and the reason companies in the past decade are selecting to implement these databases over traditional relational databases.
Keywords – NoSQL, non-relational databases, Not Only SQL, Big Data, Schema-less structure,

INTRODUCTION Though non-relational databases have been around since the 1960s, many companies have used relational databases to store data[2] but over the past decade with companies generating vast amounts of data, relational databases are unable to effectively manage these large data collections[1]. An ever increasing amount of companies is now, however, turning to non-relational databases known as NoSQL databases as they are more effective at handling these large amounts of data thus the reason we have seen an increase in its popularity over the past decade[2]. The term NoSQL database which stands for Not Only SQL[3] is defined as a database that

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