
Anthem By Ayn Rand: Literary Analysis

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Imagine living life normally inside of your moderately-sized home and your wealth continuing to soar higher and higher. All of a sudden, that wealth, your home, and your life all come crashing down in one big event-- this event being the Russian Revolution. In the story Anthem by Ayn Rand, the narrator is depicted in first person major. To begin, Ayn Rand chooses first person major because the main character resembled her in several ways, being forced to live a certain way because of the society he lived in. For example, Equality is unaware of personal pronouns such as “I,” or “me” (pg 36). Equality and nearly everyone else being unable to speak personal pronouns due to them not even being taught in schools indicates that no one can be independent in any way. Ayn Rand was forced into being equal with everyone else as well as Equality. Ayn Rand grew up in a socialist/communist country for a while, before moving to America, and dealt with her fare share of communism/socialism. Ayn Rand was extremely rebellious towards Communism, much like Equality was to the system of government he lived …show more content…

Ayn Rand was forced to flee Russia, much like Equality was forced to flee the city and both ended up leaving people they loved behind. Furthermore, they both despised the government they forced to live under, and both felt major individuality and rebellion towards the civilizations they faced. Lastly, they both felt that they were unable to be free, and disliked being completely equal with everyone. After the Russian Revolution, try to imagine yourself being forced into equality, your dreams being shattered as everything was forced onto you, and you had to flee-- leaving behind your family and memories that you once cherished. That was how Equality and Ayn Rand

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