
Anthem Essay Outline

Decent Essays

Equality’s Beginnings

In the dystopia, Anthem, Equality’s life and world were very controlled. He, as well as the other citizens, was given no freedom, including letting them have preferences. The State was given all power and made the citizens a life without choice. Why were such demanding rules put in place? Would Equality’s new home have similar controls in the future? In the book Anthem, the State gave demanding rules so it would ensure a “flawless” world and that Equality would not have the same rules because he has truly found the meaning of freedom.
The rules that were set in place during that time existed so that the citizens could be controlled by the government. Equality grew up knowing that he wasn’t allowed to disagree, …show more content…

These are just a few of the many demanding laws the Equality’s government issued.
The purpose of the rules is similar to its existence. The State wanted control over its people to ensure their idea of a utopia. When Equality was taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention because he would not tell him about his whereabouts, he was lashed because the ones in charge didn’t know where and what he was doing. This is an example of the controlling power of the government. They have put into the minds of the citizens that secrecy and solitude are terrible and should be punished for. “‘Indeed you are happy,’ they answered. ‘How else can men be when they live for their brothers?’” (Rand 45). The State thinks that if all these rules are set in place, the people are guaranteed happiness. This is not true of course, when Equality describes his brothers as “...shrinking and wished to shrink out of sight,” (Rand 46). Equality noticed that his brothers, as well as himself, were not happy. Although the government believes all these rules are beneficial to the people, in reality, they were making their lives pointless.
Equality was always a bit smarter and more observant than his brothers. He ran off into the Uncharted Forest so he could have the freedom the State did not offer. Later on, he hoped he would be able to bring others

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