
Anthony Hoekema's 'Imago Dei'

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The Bible discloses God’s creative movement as he artistically and architecturally formed and created a meaningless and formless mass into a work of artistry. His powerful voice called into existence a newness of life in the heavens and the earth. God authoritatively summoned certain occurrences to transpire which effortlessly took place because he simply said it. God said, “Let there be…and there was...” (Gen 1:3-24) throughout the new earth. However, the climax of the entire restoration process came when the Godhead deliberated and consented to making humankind in the image and likeness of God. Humankind in God’s image and likeness does not correlate to a physical likeness of him, but a spiritual conformity through a relationship of fellowship, obedience and love.

In the Imago Dei Throughout history, humankind has resolved to understand fundamental solutions and well-defined meaning of their existence on the earth. Theologians and scholars have endeavored to define and interpret imago dei or image of God for years. The problem exists without clear indication of two important questions, what is man and what is his purpose? Anthony Hoekema shares, “The problem of man has therefore become of the most crucial problems of our day. Philosophers are wrestling with it; sociologists are trying to answer it; …show more content…

Each of these scriptures clearly shows that man was made in the image of God. Although the Bible rarely speaks explicitly of the imago Dei, the concept itself is foundational for biblical anthropology. In Psalm, David provides insight into the glory of God being revealed through creation by discussing the humanity of man. He shares that man was made a little lower than the angels, but he was given dominion over what God had created with his hands (Ps 8:4-8). God gave man more authority than he provided to any other creature of the

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