
Anthropology : The First Day Of Class

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What is Anthropology? When this question was asked on the first day of class. I immediately thought to myself that it was the study of nonindustrial peoples but it was much more. According to the American Anthropology Association, Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. I realized that many social science focus on one single society such as the United States. While, anthropology offers a unique cross-cultural perspective, constantly comparing the customs of one society with those of others (pg. 1). In class, we watched a movie called “A League of Their Own”, and got to be ethnography anthropologist. As a short term anthropologist well be uncovering the different aspects of the movie as well as background research. Today’s society, we observe differences in not only male and female sexes, but importantly, their gender. Throughout the A League of Their Own their was gender role behaviors and attitudes. The males in the film were displayed aggression, especially toward females. Aggression was shown in many ways such as sarcasm and yelling. Jimmy Dugan, a main character in the film as the Rockford Peaches’ coach, is rude with his remarks. In one scene, Evelyn performs a wrong play, which Jimmy starts yelling at her as she is walking towards the dugout. Evelyn begins to cry as Jimmy is yelling at her and responses with his famous line “There’s no crying in baseball!”. In the world, we see different types of families whether its blend, nuclear, extended, single

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