
Anti-American Equal Protection

Decent Essays

Human rights are a key factor to living in a great environment surrounded by great people having and an amazing life well spent with other. If people would all pay attention to all the laws that had been right in the Declaration everyone would be free and would all be equal to each other.Closely looking at that would need some help on would be article 7 about equal protection, and article 11 part 1 on how people in our society shouldn’t be guilty unless proven. Studying the Declaration of Human Rights have made me think outside the box, and not just look at the laws that were written, but what problems that are occurring right now between the races. As brought up to my attention our society is having trouble with African American being stopped …show more content…

In article 7 it says, “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination”(Article 7 Universal Declaration of Human Rights). In this article of the law of declaration of human rights it says, that everybody has the same rights to protection no matter who they are, what race, what they do, and where they are from. This article is clearly pointing out that people are protected more than other just because of their race, which in article 7 it is unacceptable to do that and people should all have the same protection. This law is extremely important due to the fact that people are being protected more than other and wouldn’t get to feel as safe as the people protected, but instead, everyone should all have the equal amount of …show more content…

The topic had been brought up about why so many black people are being stopped by the police while driving even if not guilty. The Washington Post had shared the fact that black drivers get pulled over 13% percent of the time compared to whites of just 10%. Kim often had shared a story with our whole society, “ Wednesday evening, reality became deadly when a Minnesota police officer shot and killed a black driver following a routine stop for a broken tail light, just one day after another fatal police shooting in Louisiana” (Washington Post). If you take parts of the story and put them together, that black man should not have gotten shot for just a broken tail light. I don't get it. Why? Towards the end of the quote, it gives a brief reason why the black driver had been shot, but it’s not enough and for sure, all it’s saying is that it might have something to do with the police shooting the day before. This quote means so much because it is shown how poorly people are being treated because of their race. If there had been a white driver they would probably just be given a ticket for the broken tail and enjoy the rest of their day, but not for a black driver who had just straight up been shot for nothing. This has to be taken care of different and thought to other so that this same type of incident would never happen ever

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