
Anti Immigration Law Essay

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The influence of the anti-immigration law to the American’s future. Every year people from all over the world, leaving their homes and moving to the United States. These people are willing to sacrifice themselves in the hope to start a new life, to find an opportunity for financial support for their families, to give a chance for their children have a better future in the safe country. Some of them immigrate in order to find freedom or relief from political and religious persecution. Each of these brave persons has a big reason to leave a Homeland, family, friends, work and all elements of a human’s life without even a possibility to come back home one day. According to recent changes in the immigration law of the U.S., not everyone, who is …show more content…

Despite the fact that immigrants are raising the country's economy, the government does not provide them an adequate financial support, legal and medical protection. Having arrived in the country, a potential immigrant must submit the documents to the immigration office for reviewing his or her case. Depending on the category of a visa, the person will receive a work permission approximately in 6 months. Before this time, the alien is not allowed to apply for a driver's license, insurance, work, school, and cannot leave the country. Compere to Sweden, where the government pays pension while the alien’s documentations are in the process, the U.S. does not support foreign people until the work permission is approved. It is very difficult to live without even a possibility of income during a long time. In general, a whole documentation process can take from one to five years, or even more. For people, who do not speak English, their new life in America seems like a prison. After receiving a green-card, a person has right to apply for the U.S. Passport, not earlier than in another five years. Brave people, who went through a long documentation process, today establishing their own companies for the benefits of their families, and their

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