
Antigone Courage Quotes

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In the tragic drama Antigone by Sophocles, in the beginning Antigone was honorable and courageous by wanting to bury her brother even after the high ruler said that he is not to be buried by means of the law even though she knew that she would be punished by Creon. Antigone Develops self respect, full of regret . Even though it was both of her brothers went to war they fought on opposing forces Polyneices was not meant to be buried by orders of Creon while Eteocles was to be buried with honors. She became Rebellious and turned against her sister's advice not to go against the ruler Creon. After losing both her brothers and going through a struggle to bury one of them and after she fulfills what she's trying to do their unbury him Showing disrespect and desecrating the grave of him. She demonstrates the most extreme consequences of civil disobedience. Antigone shows honor and courage She says, “When i find i have no power to stir I will cease trying.” (Sophocles 4.) She is saying through this she will only stop trying to bury her brother when she has no willpower left she would rather die than let her brother go unburied. Antigone says, “well I was made in the fellowship of love not hate” (Sophocles 3). She is stating that she would do anything for her family no matter the cost. This shows honor. …show more content…

She regrets having the consequences and knowing she is going to die alone without any friends and with no husband or family, so she feels sorrowful. Antigone says, “the word I hear comes hand in hand with death” (Sophocles 33). she is insinuating that even though she is sitting in a cell that she would rather go ahead and be dead already. Antigone is feeling depression she knows she doing the right thing but no one supports her not even her own family. In the beginning Antigone showed courage and toward the end she shows sorrow and

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