
Antigone's Beliefs

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How do personal beliefs affect how one acts? In both the play Antigone by Sophocles, and the article Student Protests Growing Over Gender-Equal Dress Codes by Gabrielle Sorto, personal beliefs had a huge impact on daily actions, and affected choices regarding rules, regulations, and the law. Everyone has different beliefs when it comes to following rules. Some believe that the law must be followed, while others think the law can be bent to suit their wants and needs. One’s personal beliefs guide their decision on whether or not they obey the law. In the play Antigone, Antigone’s beliefs led her to break the law. Just like the play, the article about student protests growing over gender-equal dress codes shows how the students beliefs led …show more content…

Antigone knew that Creon’s law prohibited her brother from being buried, but because she thought this law was absurd, she disregarded the law and buried her brother anyway. “But I will bury him; And if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me. It is the dead, not the living, who make the longest demands; We die for ever…” Antigone did not think that she was acting in an insolent matter, but in a way that is best for her and her dearest brother. Similar to Antigone, students at Buchanan High School believed that the gender defying dress codes should no longer exist and they should let the students be free to express themselves how they want. “High School boys wearing dresses strike a pose with big smiles on their faces. They know they’re breaking school rules, but they hope their …show more content…

Antigone even tried to get her sister to break the law by burying her brother. Creon’s law prohibits burying of individuals who break the law. Ismene stated,“The law is strong, we must give into the law in this thing, and in worse, I beg the Dead to forgive me, but I am helpless: I must yield to those in authority. And I think it is dangerous business to always be meddling.” Ismene had no intent to stir things up and break the law, but she believed the law should be enforced so she did what she believed was right and followed the law. Ismene also feared that breaking the law by burying her brother would make her death much more horrible. She said, “But oh, Antigone, think how much more terrible than these our own death would be if we should go against Creon and do what he has forbidden!” Ismene was puritanical, meaning that she was strict in her beliefs and did not want to break them in fear of much worse happening to her. In the article about student protests growing over gender-equal dress codes, most students and parents felt that enforced dress code rules were unnecessary. Their strong beliefs led them to wear inappropriate clothes to school. On the other hand, some board members and teachers believed that the rules should be enforced, and students who broke the rules should pay the consequences. Just like

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