
Antipsychotic Drugs And Dementia Essay

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A research study was conducted by Dr. Helen Kales and others as to whether or not antipsychotic drugs increased mortality rate in elderly dementia patients. In her article in The American Journal of Psychiatry, Kales concluded, “Antipsychotic medications taken by patients with dementia were associated with higher mortality rates than were most other medications used for neuropsychiatric symptoms.” According to Dr. Lyketos, who did a presentation about dementia patients, “A few neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia patients include: depression, sundowning, anxiety, repetitious questioning, and sleep disturbance” (Lyketos). Sundowning is one of the most common symptoms and occurs when the patient suffers “increased confusion and agitation at cyclic …show more content…

Cerebrovascular effects are also possible, however, a patients could bring this upon themselves if they become extremely agitated and heightened their blood pressure and heart rate past the normal range. Antipsychotic drugs help control this by keeping their moods much more constant, which keeps them from getting worked up and increasing their heart rate and blood pressure. Most dementia patients already have other health problems and by them not taking antipsychotics it could do more harm than good. Antipsychotic drugs are not for every dementia patient, but in some cases their quality of life can be greatly improved by the drug. It is ultimately the patient’s doctor’s and caregiver’s decision whether antipsychotics are the best form of treatment for them. I have personally seen the benefits in my great grandmother and believe the medications, when used the right way, can be very advantageous. She has advanced dementia and was put on the antipsychotic drug Xanax, which has greatly improved her quality of life. The downsides of the drug definitely do not outweigh the benefits it offers

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