
Anxiety Vs Anxiety

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Panic Attacks vs Anxiety Attacks When the body feels like it has lost all control, one goes numb. An anxiety disorder is triggered by events occurring around us. On the other hand, panic attacks are caused by problems within the mind of the person with a panic disorder. Both of the disorders are more likely to occur in women than in men. Although anxiety attacks and panic attacks can be easily mistaken for one another, there are many differences that set them apart. An anxiety disorder is caused by external stress. External triggers may consist of traumatic events, socializing with new people, and a heavy work load. When the anxiety attack is triggered, the patient may experience an increase in heart rate which can lead to hyperventilation. …show more content…

In reality, what is causing them this anxiety is minuscule compared to the stress their minds are putting them through. Although anxiety attacks cannot be cured or prevented with medications, they can become tolerable with help from a doctor. "Panic attacks are characterized by overwhelming surges of fear and discomfort and are one of the most frequently occurring symptoms in psychiatric populations" (Allan, Oglesby, Short, Schmidt). Panic attacks are usually not triggered by any specific event. Although these attacks don’t have to have a reason, an abundance of stress, such as school work, relationship problems, and conflicts within the family, can increase the likelihood of an attack. At any time, someone with a panic disorder is eligible to have a panic attack. A panic attack is a sudden feeling of uncontrollable fear or desperation. The body goes numb, perspiration begins, and the shaking is unmanageable. Often the feeling of unawareness is prominent. People with this disorder feel detached from their surrounding and feel as if they have no control over their bodies. Also, when a panic attack is occurring, the patients may fear for their life even though they may not be …show more content…

Anxiety attacks occur strictly due to stress put on the person from the outside world. Although panic attacks are spontaneous and do not have to be triggered by a certain event, most stem from some underlying problem that usually is undiscovered by the individual that has the disorder. Both disorders are associated with depression. The disorders have such a control over their victims lifestyles and the activities they chose to become involved in. These disorders are different in many ways but will continue to provide similar obstacles to those who are affected by

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