
Anzaldua's Two Articles From Borderlands And This Bridge We Call Home

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While reading Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Gloria Anzaldua’s two articles from Borderlands and This Bridge We Call Home many concepts were discussed that caught my attention. Freire and Anzaldua offer great, shocking revelations that focus on change in the oppressed and the oppressors, as well as bringing to attention the false sense of altruism, the seven stages of conocimiento and moving away from cultural assimilation to enculturation. Throughout the readings there were also an abundance of connections made to concepts within community psychology such as first order vs second order changes, the relationship between power and oppression and meaning focused coping. Reflecting on the reading material made connecting to the concepts presented effortless as much of what is talked about is easy to understand and relatable to people of color, both authors intended audience. I personally connected my life experiences to Freire’s theory of how the oppressed are portrayed and its effect on the oppressed as well as Anzaldua’s seven stages of conocimiento. Revelations Freire challenges the idea of true generosity versus false charity within Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968) where he says that “True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the ‘rejects of life’ to extend their trembling hands” (p. 45). Freire is differentiating between true altruistic behaviors and

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