
Ap Biology Unit 5 Lab Report

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4. Selection If feeding efficiency and reproduction have a direct correlation, and a population started with equal proportions of individuals with each of three feeding types, metal spoon, metal knife, and plastic fork, the frequency of the population with metal spoons as their feeding structure will increase in the next generation. While the frequency of metal knifes and plastic forks will decrease. Furthermore, since the organisms with the metal spoon feeding structure have a higher fitness level, this population will evolve by natural selection to a point where the metal spoon phenotype will be in abundant. While the organisms with metal knifes and plastic forks phenotypes will decrease in frequency due to the lack of reproduction. Eventually, if this population persist overtime, most of the organisms, if not all, will have the metal spoon phenotype, while very few, if not any, will have the metal knife or the plastic fork phenotype. 5. Different environment …show more content…

Since the organisms with the metal spoons phenotype have a higher fitness level than the organisms with the other utensils, the frequency of the metal spoon phenotype will remain constant. In other words, the organisms with the metal spoons phenotype will be well matched to its environment where applesauce is the only food. Or, by random chance, an organism can develop a mutation for a more effective feeding structure than the metal spoon. This mutation could benefit an organism in this population and allow it to gather more applesauce, thus leading it to a higher fitness level than an organism with a metal spoon phenotype. Overtime, the population will evolve by directional selection and have abundant of organisms with that particular phenotype that was introduced by the mutation. Eventually, this population will become better suited to this

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