Serena Rodriguez PSY 215-03 01/30/2018 Chapter 3: Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment 1. What is the purpose of psychological assessment? The purpose of psychological assessment is to figure out whether an individual exhibits abnormal behavior, what symptoms they have, why they are demonstrating that behavior, and it there is a way to assist the individual. There are several psychological or clinical tools that psychologists use to determine someone’s abnormal behavior. These tests include observations, tests, and clinical interviews. For a psychological assessment, the tool used must be standardized, reliable, and valid. This means that when a particular assessment is administered there must be certain procedures followed as well as set ways to interpret results. When referring to the assessment’s reliability, clinicians mean …show more content…
Personality tests are actually considered more valid, reliable, and standardized than projective tests because they are primarily computerized or answered with paper and pencil. The ten scales of MMPI are social introversion, hypomania, schizophrenia, psychasthenia, paranoia, masculinity- femininity, psychopathic deviate, hysteria, depression, and hypochondriasis. Social introversion measures traits such as shyness and sensory overload. Hypomania measures overactivity and emotional excitement. Schizophrenia measures deviant behaviors and uncommon thoughts. Psychasthenia measures compulsions and phobias. Paranoia measures heightened suspiciousness. Masculinity- femininity measures the difference between male and female responses. Psychopathic deviate measures lack of emotion and disregard for social norms. Hysteria measures the avoidance of conflicts through mental signs. Depression measures hopelessness and a negative outlook. Hypochondriasis high level of concern regarding possible medical
After reading through chapter six, I began reading chapter seven of our psychology text titled, Learning. Learning is something we do everyday even we don’t realize it. While reading chapter seven, I learned that there are three different types of learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. Classical conditioning stands for two types of stimuli linking providing us the tools to have a reaction; this is the type of learning that involves automatic behaviors. Operant conditioning is the type of learning that causes a change in behavior, in reaction to consequences; this is the behavior that involves choosing of choices. Lastly, cognitive learning is the obtaining of new skills, behaviors, and information through
In Chapter 7 of our What Is Psychology textbook, we learned about the importance, details and strategies of memory techniques. One type of memory is Short Term, which only last up to thirty seconds before forgetting. Whenever has to remember a number or a name, they often repeat the information multiple times so that the Short Term Memory can transition into Long Term Memory. In order for this transition to occur, the information must be constantly repeated, or important enough to be held in the permanent memory, which helps create a “folder” with all retaining information and reminiscing. Another way short term can become long term is using a method called Chunking, this breaks the bigger pictures into smaller ones for the brain to remember,
2. Compulsions are repetitive, purposeful and intentional behaviors that are performed in response to a certain obsession. i. Julia’s condition leaned more towards the compulsive disorder. B. The first week of Prozac, Julia reported that her attitude was completely different.
3) A nurse takes care of a patient with cardiac dysrhythmia. Which of the following laboratory values is a priority for the nurse to monitor?
2. The caring mother was looking to assuage her son after he was hurt on the playground.
Paula is apart of the target student group in her class. She does lack the cognitive capabilities as her peers in the higher cognitive functioning groups.Though Paula does show eagerness to perform as well as her other peers, there are many things, including her low cognitive ability, that keeps her from catching onto the information he is taught. During the initial pre-test, Paula, scored with a 33.34%,one of the two lowest scores in the class. Like her peers, Paula was not able to finish the test, and the test fairly measured the information that she was able to answer before getting highly frustrated with the pre-test like her peers. Paula was able to correctly identify the questions that asked about the needs of a plant. Paula was
1. What is the nurse's highest priority for a patient experiencing sleep deprivation? What would we teach them about this? What treatment would be expected? Safety would be highest priority; sleep deprivation causes psychomotor deficits. Interventions that can help with sleep deprivation would be avoiding stimulating activities in the hours before bed. Avoid exercise, caffeine, and screen time just before bed. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating a large meal, as this can interfere with healthy sleep. Create a comfortable sleep environment. One medication that the patient can be prescribed on would be Zolpidem is a short-acting hypnotic that will help the patient initiate sleep and awaken without untoward symptoms of drowsiness. Also, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and galanin are sleep-promoting neurotransmitters that can be used as a treatment.
10. If you are avoiding a specific food because of a bad memory, it is called food aversion. Which brain region is associated with food aversion?
A hypothesis is an explanation that can be tested based on observation. A statistical hypothesis is testable explanation based on observation and different variables. A null hypothesis explains what the results of the experiment will be if the original hypothesis is wrong. An alternate hypothesis is the opposite result if there is or isn’t a null hypothesis. Semmelweis hypothesized that bacteria/virus filled extremities resulted in higher death rates.
Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E., & Sturman, E. D. (2013). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (8th Ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Which author or institution is associated with coining the phrase, “the apartheid of schooling in America.”
A.1. “The lives of the street-oriented are often marked by disorganization. In the most desperate circumstances people frequently have a limited understanding of priorities and consequences, and so frustrations mount over bills, food, and, at times, drink, cigarettes, and drugs.” (page 108) A.2. The factors of disorganization and a misconception of priorities along with their consequences make it difficult for “street” families to become “decent.”
When it comes to my overall impression of the recent chapters I found it rather intriguing. Chapter five really caught my attention, due to the fact that I always thought sex and gender were the same thing. However, on page 173 the definitions say otherwise: “Sex- in psychology, the biologically influenced characteristics by which people define males and females. Gender- in psychology, the socially influenced characteristics by which people define men and women.”
After reading Chapter 3 create a post in the forum. Your post must include your name and a title for the post. You are to thoughtfully respond to the questions below using applicable chapter content to support your reasoning. 1. What major idea(s) or insight(s) did you personally gain as you read Chapter 3?
List three things you learned in each module. Module 1 a. The humanistic perspective, developed by psychologist Carl Rogers, focuses around the client and includes unconditional positivity for the patient. It strongly revolves around a person's emotional sense of self. b.