
Ap Psychology Chapter 3 Summary

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Serena Rodriguez PSY 215-03 01/30/2018 Chapter 3: Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment 1. What is the purpose of psychological assessment? The purpose of psychological assessment is to figure out whether an individual exhibits abnormal behavior, what symptoms they have, why they are demonstrating that behavior, and it there is a way to assist the individual. There are several psychological or clinical tools that psychologists use to determine someone’s abnormal behavior. These tests include observations, tests, and clinical interviews. For a psychological assessment, the tool used must be standardized, reliable, and valid. This means that when a particular assessment is administered there must be certain procedures followed as well as set ways to interpret results. When referring to the assessment’s reliability, clinicians mean …show more content…

Personality tests are actually considered more valid, reliable, and standardized than projective tests because they are primarily computerized or answered with paper and pencil. The ten scales of MMPI are social introversion, hypomania, schizophrenia, psychasthenia, paranoia, masculinity- femininity, psychopathic deviate, hysteria, depression, and hypochondriasis. Social introversion measures traits such as shyness and sensory overload. Hypomania measures overactivity and emotional excitement. Schizophrenia measures deviant behaviors and uncommon thoughts. Psychasthenia measures compulsions and phobias. Paranoia measures heightened suspiciousness. Masculinity- femininity measures the difference between male and female responses. Psychopathic deviate measures lack of emotion and disregard for social norms. Hysteria measures the avoidance of conflicts through mental signs. Depression measures hopelessness and a negative outlook. Hypochondriasis high level of concern regarding possible medical

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