
Essay on Apollo 13 Case Study

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Apollo 13 Case Study Apollo 13 has experience a major malfunction which changes the mission from landing on the moon to a spacecraft that is now is in a desperate struggle to return to earth with the crew alive. The team work needed to achieve this is substantial and many of the staff at mission control center will in some degree be a leader. Aside from Gene Kranz, one of the first people to emerge as a leader and take control of the situation is Sy Liebergot. His review of the data coming in from the crippled space craft leads him to start conceptualizing a plan to save the crew. He displays many leadership traits in the span of the first few minutes as he is under pressure form Mr. Kranz who needs information …show more content…

Kranz. His level of expertise appears to be very respected by Mr. Kranz and the whole control room though he does not allow this to the point of taking advantage and taking over the control room, rather he uses his knowledge to be seen as a servant leader. Sy also uses his technical skills as he is assessing the situation and what it means to the functionality of the space craft. When asked by Mr Kranz what is going on, Sy first takes on a Autocratic type role and explains the situation to Mr. Kranz, He is absolute in what he is saying but is still puzzled by the situation. Sy then transition to a Joint decision role as others in the control room give there in put to the situation and finally ends up with in a Consultation role as everyone in the control room has a better understanding about the gravity of the situation the space craft is in. As the situation with the space craft is becoming clearer we can see that Sy’s role is very much task orientated as he has very limited direct conversation with the space craft. He is more concerned in evaluating the data and working on a solution to the situation. His emergence as a leader was out of dedication to the project, not to say he did not care for the men in the craft, but by his nature in this situation he was task driven. The lines of communication in the control room appear to be very direct. When Mr. Kranz asks you a question, you respond directly to him.

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