
Applying for the University of Texas for a Master in Science of Computers

Good Essays

Statement of Purpose
I am applying to University of Texas at Dallas to pursue Master of Science program in Computer
Science with special reference to Operating Systems and Computer Architecture. Ten years from now, I envisage myself as research professional in an organization or a faculty at one of the leading university. Ultimately, my objective is to seek Ph.D. Degree.
21st century is harbinger for major transition in terms of information technology industry for India.
I have seen the technology changed lives of people for the better. Because of this impression and innate inquisitive nature, I coupled myself with the dream to start undergraduate studies in
Computer Engineering. I was 99th in Maharashtra state among all …show more content…

Ltd, Pune.
The aim of research project "RAM-DISK IO Mode In UNH-iSCSCI Target", was to use the portion of RAM as a block device (disk), to export RAM-DISK from target to initiator as a Virtual SCSI device and to utilize this exported virtual SCSI device for storing data. We have written the device driver to achieve the goal and also tested it using dd, iostat, bonnie++ tools. Moreover, the research project won the state level project competition "Impetus and Concepts" at Pune Institute of
Computer Technology, Pune in storage systems domain. I am very glad to bring your attention that I presented the research paper "RAM-DISK IO Mode in iSCSI Target" based on this work in the
"International Conference on Information and Network Technology, Chennai".
Because of ill health during the time of examinations, I could not make good grades in some of the semesters. However, I could achieve good grades in the lab examination. Also because of persistent efforts in 8th semester, I achieved GPA of 8.61 with award for research project.
My first tryst with professional software development happened in Calsoft. I am working on PillarOracle MQFS File system since 2.5 years for the product called Axiom/Flash Storage. My initiative and urge to understand new things always gave me the opportunity to develop modules like
Filesystem Quotas, Snapshot Scheduler and Management Interface of MQFS. Because of lot of development, debugging and bug fixing

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