
Apush Chapter 1 Outline

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The first president President Washington The first Congress a. During the summer of 1789, Congress sets up three departments in the executive branch of government. b. Vice president Adams broke the tie by voting to allow the president the authority to dismiss cabinet officers without senate`s approval. c. Washington met regularly with all three departments heads and attorney general, who together became know as the cabinet. Judiciary Act The first Congress had to decide how to set up the world's court system. The Supreme court would be the final authority on many issues. Congress had taken the first steps to creating a strong and independent national judiciary. The Bill of acts American had long feared strong central governments. Some states had supported …show more content…

Financial Problems Hamilton's plan a. In 1790 Hamilton proposed that the new government pay off the millions of dollars in debts owed by the confederation government to other countries and to individual american citizens. b. The states had fought for nation's independence. C. Hamilton also believed that federal payment of state debts would give the state's strong interest. 2. Oppositions of the Plan a.Congress agreed to pay money to other nations, But hamilton's plan to pay off debt to American citizen Unleashed a storm of protest b. When the government had borrowed moneyfuring the American revolution, It had used bonds. c. Opponites believed that hamiltion`s plan would make speculators rich, and the origanal bond owners felt betrayed by the governmentbecausre they had lost money on their bond while new bond owners were profited. 3.Compromisation Results of the Capital a. To win control of his plan he comprmised. b. A special distract would be laid between virginia and maryland along the banks of the protomac River. c.The distract became Washington D.C. in return, Southerners support his plan to pay off the starte debts. C. Building the Economy The Fight Over the

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