

Decent Essays

Elissa Scott #CO2428176 Professor Abraham Tarango ENG100 September 8, 2014 ARABY AND WILD BERRY BLUE Araby and Wild Berry Blue are similar short stories yet evolve in various ways. Both narrations involve main characters agonizing with young angst over the admiration of perceived love. The two narrators see themselves as two individual adolescents pining for mysterious and alluring representations of beauty, who they feel will set them free from their suffering. This infatuation distracts them from the drudgery of daily, boring lives and it becomes all-consuming. From the narrator 's perspective, the two kids ache and yearn for an ideal. Araby 's protagonist feels insignificant, as he is ignored in his requests to his uncle …show more content…

I also see the puppet as a metaphor as she feels as though she wants to be cut loose from her own puppet strings of childhood and her parents, hence the freedom represented in the bad boy image of Roy. She also glorifies the mermaid which is considered trashy by others, but to her again, is a symbol of freedom and beauty in its mystique. Whereas the Araby boy already had the freedom to run the streets with his friends and go to a fair by train at ten at night alone. He simply

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