
Architecture of an Active Mud-Rich Turbidite System: The Zaire Fan by Droz

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This review is on the scientific paper ‘Architecture of an active mud-rich turbidite system: The Zaire Fan’ by Droz et al [2] published in 2003. The main purpose of this article was to take the seismic results from the ZaïAngo program, acoustic imagery and bathymetry information and present the architecture of the Zaire Fan.

The Zaire Fan is located off the coast of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola on a mature passive continental margin at the base of the Zaire River now named the Congo River. The Zaire Fan is a mud-rich turbidite system of particular importance to scientists as it is currently active. This activity was first documented in 1964 as cable breaks located across the Congo River. These events were correlated with periods of flood activity and determined to be the result of turbidity currents [2]. A submarine fan is an accumulation of sediment that forms in a cone-like shape. The sediment is generally transported from a canyon into a main feeder channel to be deposited near the continental shelf. It is known that turbidity currents and other sediment gravity flows can form submarine fans.

The main features of a submarine fan include a canyon, channels and levees. Canyons carry sediment from the shelf down to the fan structure. It was seen through imaging that the Zaire Canyon shows the characteristic V-shape cross section [6]. Canyons are the result of turbidity currents but could also be formed by rivers during low sea level, mass wasting or

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