
Textual Rhetorical Analysis

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Textual Rhetorical Analysis John Fire Lame Deer was a Sioux Indian tribal leader, medicine man, rodeo clown, and storyteller amongst other things. A selection from his autobiography Seeker Of Visions: The Life Of A Sioux Medicine Man titled “Talking to the Owls and Butterflies” is a short piece regarding nature and man’s relationship with it. The piece was intended to make an impression on white people in order to help salvage what is remaining in the environment. Lame Deer reprimands the “white world” for its negative outlook towards nature and the treatment of animals, he converses how man has changed and reshaped nature in order to make it more profitable. Stating that Caucasians have gone and altered animals in order to create …show more content…

The article primarily appeals to individuals with interest in global warming. The main point that Wood focuses on is the idea of sulfur-aerosol injection, in which sulfur dioxide would be pumped into the sky. However, there are several issues with this concept that he addresses in his article.
The first issue that is addressed is the possibility of acid rain and severe climate shifts. Geophysicists argue that while the idea would work, catastrophic failures would incur if the sulfur dioxide were ever to stop pumping into the atmosphere. Wood lists several downfalls of this system, almost in an intimidating manner. He makes the downfalls seem horrendous to the benefits. However, Wood also completely disregards the other alternative ideas for solving global warming. From painted skies to carbon-eating trees, the only concept discussed in depth is the sulfur dioxide idea. This raises concerns as the idea he appears to support the most also happens to be the idea that he discusses the atrocious downfalls of.
What is interesting about this paper is the author’s purpose. It seems as though he is attempting to raise awareness and support geophysics. However, all the points he brings up to discuss he quickly refutes with dangers. This confuses the reader as the article is more intimidating rather than informational. The overwhelming sense of danger associated with each

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