Textual Rhetorical Analysis John Fire Lame Deer was a Sioux Indian tribal leader, medicine man, rodeo clown, and storyteller amongst other things. A selection from his autobiography Seeker Of Visions: The Life Of A Sioux Medicine Man titled “Talking to the Owls and Butterflies” is a short piece regarding nature and man’s relationship with it. The piece was intended to make an impression on white people in order to help salvage what is remaining in the environment. Lame Deer reprimands the “white world” for its negative outlook towards nature and the treatment of animals, he converses how man has changed and reshaped nature in order to make it more profitable. Stating that Caucasians have gone and altered animals in order to create …show more content…
The article primarily appeals to individuals with interest in global warming. The main point that Wood focuses on is the idea of sulfur-aerosol injection, in which sulfur dioxide would be pumped into the sky. However, there are several issues with this concept that he addresses in his article.
The first issue that is addressed is the possibility of acid rain and severe climate shifts. Geophysicists argue that while the idea would work, catastrophic failures would incur if the sulfur dioxide were ever to stop pumping into the atmosphere. Wood lists several downfalls of this system, almost in an intimidating manner. He makes the downfalls seem horrendous to the benefits. However, Wood also completely disregards the other alternative ideas for solving global warming. From painted skies to carbon-eating trees, the only concept discussed in depth is the sulfur dioxide idea. This raises concerns as the idea he appears to support the most also happens to be the idea that he discusses the atrocious downfalls of.
What is interesting about this paper is the author’s purpose. It seems as though he is attempting to raise awareness and support geophysics. However, all the points he brings up to discuss he quickly refutes with dangers. This confuses the reader as the article is more intimidating rather than informational. The overwhelming sense of danger associated with each
In addition to the above argument Flannery discussed the second way of climate change mitigation by Geo-engineering. This is the technology that involves dramatically interfering to the Earth’s systems; for instance, injecting Sulpur into the stratosphere to cool the Earth’s surface (4.Keith 2000). However, he pointed out considerable deficiencies in the scheme due to (a) major practical problems (b) uncertain outcomes and (c) guarantee of international conflict (5.Atmosphere of hope 2005, p.141) Moreover, Flannery explained the negative consequences of Stratospheric Sulphur; for instance, could alter global weather patterns, crop growth inhibition, lead further destruction of the ozone layer and acid rains (6.The Conversation 2008). Thus,
Global Warming is paradoxical in nature. Global Warming siphons moisture from the ground while causing sea levels to rise. Most frighteningly, many in our government do not take global warming seriously. The amount of O2 or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has exponentially increased since the end of the last ice age. Gradual change is anticipated as one progresses through ions of time, however it was come to global attention that carbon dioxide levels are rising way to high in way too short of a time frame. To understand this phenomena it is key to understand that the Earth's atmosphere is its most vulnerable component. Intellectual Bob Sagan argues that the Earths atmosphere is the eviqualent of a globe painted with varnish. When light
Global warming and an unnatural weather change is fundamentally an issue of an excessive amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, which goes about as a sweeping, catching warmth and warming the planet. As we blaze fossil energizes like coal, oil and normal gas for vitality or chop down and smolder woods to make fields and ranches, carbon amasses and over-burdens our climate. Certain waste administration and horticultural practices bother the issue by discharging other intense a worldwide temperature alteration gasses, for example, methane and nitrous oxide.
Humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than the rate at which plants and oceans can absorb it. Global warming is the increase in the overall temperature of the Earth 's atmosphere; global warming is a delicate topic because it is happening right now no one can stop it from happening. It is already transforming life on Earth, shifting the seasons, raising the temperature and rising the sea level. Other effects of global warming include stronger storms, extinction of species, rapid disappearance of Artic ice, and the increase of the ozone hole. It became an issue in 1988 when a scientist from NASA found that "Global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and observed warming" (Hansen). James E. Hansen testimony was a big thing that everyone start to worry about it and everyone was talking about global warming because the media contribute to it. Global warming is a big thing happening right now but we don’t listen to others and we continue with our life’s without looking around us and without helping to stop the cause of it because as a humans we make errors during life but we learn from the errors and the bad choices. Although some people believe mankind is not responsible for global warming, it is a serious problem worldwide and measures are need to help slow the problem.
As decelerating the negative impacts of rising global temperature becomes increasingly important, a myriad of techniques to slow or reverse the effects of global warming are being researched and implemented. Among these are economic incentive programs designed to encourage large corporations to produce fewer green house gases (GHGs), investment in sustainable technology and behavioral education, and so on. Some of the up and coming approaches to achieving more sustainable global temperatures are known as geoengineering, which involves projects that attempt to prevent global temperature increase by "reflecting to space sunlight that would otherwise warm Earth or by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere" (Caldeira et al.). Both solar radiation management (SRM) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies offer attractive options for reducing global temperature rise. CDR proposals include the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in trees via reforestation, the creation of wetland ecosystems, and modification of ocean upwelling, among others (Caldeira et al.). SRM strategies are a bit more creative, with options like whitening clouds and making plants more reflective to reflect solar radiation off earth 's surface and from the stratosphere. One of the more controversial emerging SRM strategies is the injection of aerosols, namely sulfate, into the stratosphere in order to "scatter the solar radiation back to space" and as a result "reduce global-mean temperatures" (Caldeira et
The Global Warming Debate encompasses one of the most complex systems in our natural world, the Earth’s atmosphere, so it is very important to understand the basics. In the book, The Science and Politics of
This week I attended a lecture by Dr. Jean-Bertrand Ribat. He is a political scientist who has a BA from Columbia University, a MA from Montana State University, and a PH.D from Indiana State, Bloomsburg and has participated in many research projects from all around the world, including France, Turkey, and etc. With the knowledge he has about the world, he starts talking about the history of China. From what he views, he states China at the beginning of the 19th and or 20th century was relatively weak when compared to other more modern states like the U.S. and of other Western European state. However, when compared to today, China is viewed as a superpower with almost equal strength to the U.S.. A fear that he sees coming is the passing of
This student was intrigued when the article started off by saying global leaders just signed an agreement to slow the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions. For top level leaders to meet and make an agreement on such a very important global environmental issue was intriguing. The article explains how greenhouse gasses are being produced by man and changing the temperature of the earth. The atmosphere is what keeps the planet warm due to the sun emitting long wave radiation down to earth and the atmosphere helps reflect and retain this energy. However the absorbed energy needs to maintain radiation energy equilibrium for the planet’s atmosphere to be balanced. With the imbalance of gasses such as carbon
The world continuously faces a variety of threats every day, from natural disasters to terrorist, but one threat that society predominately contributes to all on their own, is climate change. There are many feasible explanations for the global threat of climate change. These explanations include but are not limited to, the act of deforestation to the rainforest and other trees, green house gas emissions, and sulfate aerosol, which cause poor air quality.
In order to further understand the environmental problems facing this planet, it is important to know just how bad the atmosphere is being polluted. The primary pollutant in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and it is infecting the atmosphere at an outstanding rate. This carbon dioxide goes into the air, and creates what is known as fog. Every second, 2.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide is being emitted ("Carbon dioxide emissions rise to 2.4 million pounds per second"). This number is still on the rise, with no real successful efforts to stop it yet. To enlarge the scale, each year the carbon dioxide emissions rise to about one billion more tons than the previous year. “Because emissions of the key greenhouse gas have been rising steadily and most carbon stays in the air for a century, it is not just unlikely but "rather optimistic" to think that the world can limit future temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit)” this shows that there is a way to stop it, if all countries just work together to clean up our atmosphere (Peters).
The topic of global warming has taken center stage recently as one of the most pressing environmental concerns of our time. Scientists generally agree that the temperature of the earth is rising and that the greenhouse effect is the primary culprit. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, absorb significant amounts of outgoing radiation while also allowing incoming solar radiation, thereby warming the surface of the earth (Nordhaus 1993, p.12). There is little debate that human consumption of fossil fuels and use of chlorofluorocarbons, along with certain other gases like methane, has greatly increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which has directly led to the rise in temperature. In fact, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have risen by 50% over the preindustrial level of CO2 (Nordhaus 1993, p.12). Those levels rise precipitously every year with another six billion metric tons of carbon added to the atmosphere (McKibbin & Wilcoxen 2002, p.108). If the emission of such gases, particularly CO2, is not curtailed in the near future it could lead to calamitous environmental disasters triggered by rising atmospheric temperatures. There are a variety of methods available for combating the increase in greenhouse gases in the hope that such catastrophe can be averted, including many economic and financial incentives or punitive actions designed to curb the emission of the gases.
Another important point the author explained in his article is the Greenhouse effect and its contribution to global warming. Earth’s atmosphere acts as this blanket because it contains small amounts of carbon dioxide methane nitrous oxide and other gases in the atmosphere known as greenhouse gases. These gases help retain heat through a vital process called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs when sunlight passes through the atmosphere and strikes the earth some of the light is reflected and some is absorbed, and that absorbed light warms the surface of the earth. This is a natural process that is required to keep planet sustainable. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be too cold for human beings, or any other living thing, to survive. Due to the burning of large amounts of coal oil and natural gas, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has
Global warming has often raised controversy within the last few years. Some agree that it’s an issue and others argue that it’s a hoax. Whatever one’s views global warming, keeping the world a cleaner place for future generations to enjoy should be a priority. Global warming is the result of the Earth’s global temperature rising, either through natural or man-made circumstances. Naturally, increased solar and volcanic activity are to blame. However, the biggest issues arise when humanity comes into play. The progress of industrialization and the act of cutting down trees release a significant amount of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2), with the combination of water vapor, trap heat we receive from the sun and keep that heat from going back out into space. CO2 and water vapor act as a blanket, potentially speeding up this warming process and causing more water vapor to evaporate into the atmosphere, thus creating a runaway effect (Haldar, 2011). Global warming is an immensely dangerous topic if left unchecked. However, with renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy, harnessing the use of nuclear energy and simply the act of planting trees; humanity can benefit from a significantly cleaner planet.
From the scientific point of view, this issue is of extreme importance, and requires close examination of historical patterns, modification of current practices, and close monitoring of the atmospheric content in the future. In his book, Wilson jests but maintains a serious tone as he holds human beings accountable, “we have driven atmospheric carbon dioxide to the highest levels in at least two hundred thousand years, unbalanced the nitrogen cycle, and contributed to a global warming that will ultimately be bad news everywhere” (23). Although Wilson discusses these advanced chemical and biological concepts, he keeps his point simple and hopes to use guilt to evoke action in his audience. Many scientists assume that the general public is familiar with the science behind the atmosphere, and some people may disagree because they merely do not understand how the contribution of extreme CO2 excess could contribute to a shift in global weather pattens. Others are aware of the situation, but are unwilling to make changes because their focus lies elsewhere.
Global warming is the term accustomed to describe a gradual increase within the average temperature of the Earth 's atmosphere and its oceans. Outstanding warming sceptics have, within the face of such proof, acknowledged that global climate change is going on, which humans are the cause. however, a number of the most recent analysis says if we would like to keep the Earth’s climate among the vary humans have knowledgeable, we should leave nearly all the remaining fossil fuels within the ground. James Hansen, NASA’s prime climatologist and one of the first to warn greenhouse warming had been detected, taken off to outline dangerous human interference with climate. In 2008, his team came to the surprising conclusion that this level of part greenhouse gas (CO2) is already within the zone. Warming must be stopped before it affects our life and all of humanity (Skepticalscience.com, 2016)