
Arctic Energy Research Paper

Decent Essays

America needs to take advantage of the melting ice in the Arctic to access the massive energy resources there and utilize those energy resources to buy itself time to develop sustainable large-scale energy options including nuclear fusion. We simply need more time to develop a good plan, one that can be well executed and will give America a chance to avoid dependency on other countries in order to meet its energy needs. The strategy of utilizing Arctic energy will enable America to maintain a standard of living that is equivalent to what the present generation of Americans enjoy and is an obligation we owe to future generations.
America is a country that has shown itself capable of changing leadership and swinging from liberal environmental protection left to conservative oil industry supporting right with a single …show more content…

The United States thrives or declines based in large part on its access to energy. It is also important for the American people to remember that many of the lifestyle changes that would need to be implemented in order to reduce fossil fuel use could have been undertaken many generations ago and simply were not. Therefore, we have a responsibility to our children to consider what American energy policy should be concerning exploration for oil in the Arctic, to ensure that failure to make energy use changes in the past does not simply become a can that we kicked down the road to our children. The ability to change the way cities use energy as they light streets and currently supply power to business for private advertising signs from a central grid source, over to a system of local solar panel power generation will take a lot of social education and political will. Absent major changes in the way the public thinks and political

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