America needs to take advantage of the melting ice in the Arctic to access the massive energy resources there and utilize those energy resources to buy itself time to develop sustainable large-scale energy options including nuclear fusion. We simply need more time to develop a good plan, one that can be well executed and will give America a chance to avoid dependency on other countries in order to meet its energy needs. The strategy of utilizing Arctic energy will enable America to maintain a standard of living that is equivalent to what the present generation of Americans enjoy and is an obligation we owe to future generations.
America is a country that has shown itself capable of changing leadership and swinging from liberal environmental protection left to conservative oil industry supporting right with a single
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The United States thrives or declines based in large part on its access to energy. It is also important for the American people to remember that many of the lifestyle changes that would need to be implemented in order to reduce fossil fuel use could have been undertaken many generations ago and simply were not. Therefore, we have a responsibility to our children to consider what American energy policy should be concerning exploration for oil in the Arctic, to ensure that failure to make energy use changes in the past does not simply become a can that we kicked down the road to our children. The ability to change the way cities use energy as they light streets and currently supply power to business for private advertising signs from a central grid source, over to a system of local solar panel power generation will take a lot of social education and political will. Absent major changes in the way the public thinks and political
The Tundra soils are made at high latitudes. It is normally very cold in the Tundra. Tundra soils are usually frozen. It is normally classified as Gelisols.
The tundra is by far the coldest type of biome, as it is known for its low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Occurring primarily near the Arctic within the Northern Hemisphere, the soil may be frozen all year up to a few feet, which allows no tree growth. However, a few animals have adapted to these conditions. These animals include lemmings, hares, oxen, foxes, wolves, and more. Within the tundra biome there are two different types of tundra biomes, arctic tundra and alpine tundra.
In “Alternative Energy Should Not Be Pursued” the author argues that alternative energy sources are in fact more costly and less efficient than traditional energy sources. Environmentalists and advocates of renewable energy propose that the world can be powered without producing harmful greenhouse gases via renewable resources; but the author argues, with the help of experts Peter Van Doren and Jeremy Taylor, that the higher costs would override any benefits. The United States government has bolstered the renewable energy industry since the 1970s with incentives and subsidies despite there being little to no economic benefit to promoting such types of energy production. The author also seeks to show that this is not a battle between “Big Oil” and an “infant industry,” but this alleged
The U.S obtains more than 84% of its energy from fossil fuels including oil, coal and natural gas. This is because people rely on it to heat their homes, power industries, run vehicles, manufacturing, and provision of electricity. It is apparent that the country’s transportation industry highly depends on conventional petroleum oil, which is responsible for global warming, thus threatening economic opulence and national security. Apart from that, increasing consumption of fossil fuels have elevated health problems in the state, destroyed wild places, and polluted the environment. After conducting Environmental Impact Assessment, projections showed that the world energy consumption would increase by more than 56% between 2010 and 2040. However, fossil fuels will cater for more than 80% of the total energy used in 2040. Sadly, it will be a trajectory to alter the world’s climate, as well as, weaken the global security environment. Importantly, the rate at which the US relies on fossil fuels needs to reduce since it has adverse effects on the planet’s supplies. The society needs to realize that fossil fuels are nonrenewable, thus taking millions of years to form (Huebner, 2003). Notably, the country can reduce dependency on fossil fuels by practicing energy conservation and efficiency,
American environmentalist Jeff Goodell once said, “Some studies suggest that the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free by the end of the century.” The destruction of the Polar Regions has caused major implications for the Earth today and has caused a positive feedback loop that ultimately will cause them to deplete further. The Polar Regions have slowly faded away due to the lack of precautions humans have taken to protect them, such as the use of chlorofluorocarbons, the destruction of the ozone layer, and the accelerated process of the Greenhouse Effect.
Canada has the potential to be a “sustainable energy superpower” due to the vast amount of resources it contains. It has a large landmass and diversified geography which can be used to produce renewable energy from such resources; watermill, wind, biomass, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy. Renewable energy is energy obtained from natural resources that are able to be naturally replenished within a human lifespan (Natural Resource Canada, 2014). Currently, fossil fuel burning is the major source of energy in Canada and although it can be re-used, the process is so long that it is considered to be non-renewable. Also, fossil fuel burning for coal, natural gas, and petroleum gas pollutes the environment with greenhouse gases on a large scale, causing global warming. Non-renewable energy is taken from sources that re available on Earth in limited quantity, likely vanishing within fifty to sixty years from today (Conserve Energy Future, 2014). Thus, it is important for Canada to invest their money on resorting to more environmentally friendly and renewable ways to make electricity. Being a developed country, Canada has the financial stability to purchase the technologies over time in order to produce renewable energy. In addition, many organizations and the government have taken a step to educate the society about issues regarding energy usage, and to create programs which conserve energy for the future. In the future generations, Canada will be able to generate sufficient
The Alternative energy industry in the United States has been at a steady rate of growth for the past decade, however there is still controversy over the use of renewable energies, their impact on the economy, and their impact on the environment. As controversial as the topic is, the argument boils down to a moral need to support environmental regulations, and an economical need to sustain domestic growth in the Energy industry of the United States. Mainly, the question is can alternative energy effective replace fossil fuels? There are of course arguments for both sides of this question.
The Arctic Sea Ice is melting or slowly disappearing and it is said to be one of the reasons of global warming. What is happens is that the Arctic Ice it melts a little and gets smaller during the summer season and than during the winter season the ice gets bigger and expands over the Arctic Ocean, “a freeze-thaw cycle that in the Arctic has been dramatically altered by global warming (Global Warming Effects).” The Arctic Sea Ice in the past could grow up to 3 meters, which is around 10 feet, but now the average thick ness is becoming much less, and some scientist are afraid that in a few decades there might not be any sea ice during the summer (Global Warming Effects). Another major thing that has been discovered is that the amount of ice
Did you know that because of global warming, “vast riches” may be within reach now in the Arctic? The nations are racing to get as many valuables they can. This may lead to war. The Arctic’s opportunity has been giving resources, a war has already begun, and it is affecting the indigenous people.
With American population expected to increase by approximately fifty percent over the next fifty years, some sort of energy reform is needed (Lehrman 2). The most commonly proposed idea is for America to stop relying so heavily on fossil fuels, and to turn its focus onto renewable sources of energy, such as solar power and hydroelectricity (Energy Information Administration). If the United States could realize the benefits of renewable energy, then much of the world’s energy problems could be solved.
As the world population rises, we are using more and more energy and it is depleting faster than ever. Our fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) will not last forever and at some point we will have to switch over completely to renewable energy sources. While most of the world still uses non-renewable energy sources, the future will rely on renewable energy and its applications. Right now, over 90% of the world still uses fossil fuels and developing countries even burn wood to generate energy. At the rate we are using our fossil fuels, they will not last us far into the 22nd century. Additionally, big consumers of fossil fuels like China, U.S., Russia, and India are creating large amounts of pollution and it is only increasing. For instance, India has major issues with pollution because of heavy traffic (which releases more fuel emissions into the air), the burning of biomass (wood and other organic matter), and runoff into lakes and rivers. Right now, our biggest goal should be to figure out how to implement more forms of renewable energy in our own society. We should start using renewable energy in America because: it is more environmentally friendly, opens up the job market, and improves the health of the public.
Since, fossil fuels have been a part of our environment for some time now, they have been the main resource we’ve needed and used to keep our country running. The truth of the matter is, since we obtain fossil fuels from plants and animals that lived millions of years ago they will soon be gone. As indicated by Eric McLamb, founder, chief executive officer, and president of the ecology communications group, “The problem is fossil fuels are nonrenewable. They are limited in supply and will one day be depleted.” People realize that the crisis of running out of fossil fuels is upon us; however, these same people are timid about moving on to renewable energy. One main reason is because individuals do not believe renewable energy is cost efficient. For instance, solar energy is known to be fairly expensive, particularly more expensive than the conventional energy used now, which makes people uncertain about changing to renewable energy.
Today in the United States gas is at a record low on the national average being below $3 it seems like we are heading in the right direction, but looks can be deceiving. While the USA gas prices drop, other countries are fighting over our $120+ Billion average oil costs. Despite the consistent jump prices from being outrageously expensive to afford to fill up our tanks, we are still not focusing more on something that would save the American people billions a year. The solution is focusing less on finding oil that will eventually become scarce to switching to a more logical choice; which is renewable energy.
Extraction is further complicated because many hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic cannot be tapped, contained, and transported in a cost-effective manner using current technology. The value of these resources is contingent on rising energy prices and on global climate change increasing accessibility. A sudden change in profitability could result in a rush for
The United States is the second largest producer of greenhouse gases in the world, and yet is doing very little to fix this startling statistic (Dennis). The US’ reliance upon outdated energy sources continues to harm both the environment and the economy by producing millions of tonnes of pollution every year and costing the government billions of dollars (“Fact Sheet: Clean Power Plan”). Fossil fuels have been the main energy sources in America since the industrial revolution, and it is time to make a change. Renewable energy is energy harnessed from sources like the sun, wind, or water, and has little to no negative effects on the environment (“Renewable Energy Technology Basics”). The United States needs to integrate and increase the use of these types of energy across the country, as well as implement positive environmental policies, to prevent further pollution of the earth and combat the effects of climate change.