
Are Evil Humans

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We are Evil we are Just Humans! All humans look and act the same until they are put in an endangered situation which brings out their evil instincts so they can survive. Over the years philosophers have argued about human nature, from our reading of Thomas Hobbes Vs John Locke we can see the two opposite extreme perspective on how to maintain order in society. While Hobbes believed that people are born wicked and only care for their personal interest therefore they need absolute monarch to govern them “Every man for every man” (Hobbes). On the other hand Locke believed that people are born good and can learn from their own mistakes and this is why they can govern themselves. In his book “Lord of the Flies” William Golding shows when a group of children are left in deserted island because of a war going on back home in England and how they return back to their savagery instincts when law and order are hard to maintain on the island. From what humanity has been facing and all the revolutions and wars we …show more content…

Humans are always greedy for power even when they achieve it they are not content and strive for more power, even if this means they go to wars and innocent lives end up dead as long as they reach their goal they don’t care. Humans will stop going after power when they die. “The condition of man … is a condition of war of everyone against everyone” (Hobbes). Even when there are no real physical wars humans will continue to fight each other since they are always in competition over power, because the only way humans can be controlled is through fear, with fear powerful people can control and manipulate the weak and scared people who ask for their

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