
Are People Lie For The Good Or Bad

Decent Essays

People lie for the good and bad all the time, I mean we’ve all had to at one point in our lives. It’s not a bad thing to do, you can lie to protect people’s feeling or from harm, but it's not good to lie when you’re protecting yourself for selfish reasons. There really all kinds of situations to lie about it just depends on what you are lying for. As if you are lying in a situation when you’re to protect others or yourself from a dangerous situation,but when you’re lying for selfish reason or when you're truly guilty that's when the best thing to do is to tell the truth. So lying is justified only sometimes. I believe that it’s sometimes okay tell the truth, because only at certain times lying can be justified. It truly all depends on the situation you’re in. Lying is sometimes justified when lets say your friend has a really ugly shirt on and you don’t want to hurt their feelings because you know it makes them happy, so you just say you that shirt looks great, so you don’t hurt their feelings.
When lying can be justified at times when it’s right to protect others. As “little white lies” are never to purposely hurt anybody,but have good kind of intentions are most to make things sounds nicer so no one can get hurt. As stated in the article, The U.S. Political …show more content…

It told lying is never okay in the article “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth” by Barbara Ballinger because your morals ,but if the situation between life and death will you really tell the truth? It is wrong to lie when it comes to people lying for selfish reasons as for example rumors and guilty consequence but when it comes to telling the truth in situation people or you're in danger you lie for protection. Lying is need, without it so many hurtful things be in the world. It is lying and telling the truth that is good for the world,but just one would

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