
Are The Number Confrontational Instances That Occur In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston

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Throughout “Sweat”, Zora Neal Hurston illustrates a number confrontational instances which occur between Delia Jones and her abusive husband, Sykes. The story opens with Sykes scaring Delia with a whip, which was initially thought by her to be a snake; an animal of which she explicitly states her fear. Their encounter on that evening ends with Delia pulling a cast iron skillet on Sykes who threatens to beat her as he leaves the house. Despite Sykes knowing of his wife’s snake-fear, he brings one into the house and neglects to kill the reptile which eventually kills him. When Delia approach her dying husband, Sykes calls out, “Delia, is dat u Ah heah” (Hurston 571), to which she does not respond. Therefore, it can be concluded that Sykes open

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