
Argumentative Analysis

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Advocates play an important part of the encounter stage of conversion. Rambo defines an advocate as someone who “assesses the potential target audience and formulates persuasive tactics to bring converts into the religious community” (Rambo 66-67). Islam is one of the few religions that have clear and particular missionary enterprises. It is also important to examine the nature of the advocate. For example Rambo states that the following are important considerations: “Is conversion central to their mission? What is their personal experience of conversion? What do they understand conversion to be? What are their motivations for missionary work? What are the goals of the missionary enterprise as a whole? What does the advocate deem to be the …show more content…

He becomes the first minister of Boston Temple No. 11 in 1953. He starts temples, changes his name to Malcolm X, and becomes an advocate of the faith. He serves as a minister at different temples, aside from the Boston Temple he serves at at the Philadelphia Temple No. 12, New York Temple No. 7, the temple in Detroit, Michigan, and the Washington, DC temple. He speaks at many Nation of Islam meetings all over the United States, many of which appeared on television. He started a newspaper called “Muhammad Speaks” in order to spread the news of Muhammad. Malcolm X would rally the people of the Nation in order for separation between whites and …show more content…

Willow Wilson has a conversion story that is similar in a few ways to Malcolm’s story but is also very different. Willow grows up as an atheist in Denver. She leaves home to go to college at Boston University where she takes an Islamic Studies course, which leads to her conversion to Islam. While in college she gets mysteriously ill and made her ask big questions about her life. She couldn’t help believing in a God. This led her to think about religions she could convert to. She didn’t want to convert to Buddhism because there was not a strong role of God. With Christianity, she could not accept the trinity and inherited sin. Lastly, with Judaism, she viewed it as a religion that people are born into and do not convert to. Which led her to Islam, which consisted of words she

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