
Argumentative Essay: Are Guns Safe For Children?

Decent Essays

Shooting a gun, even safely, for fun or for marksmanship is looked down upon. This is because in today’s world, guns are seen as a symbol of death. This has been created by the rise of deaths caused by gun violence and accidental shootings. Because of this, many parents do not allow their children to shoot a gun. In spite of this, some parents are choosing to let their children shoot guns. In the eyes of others, these parents are considered bad parents because they are endangering the lives of their children. Actually, these parents have a good reason to let their children shoot guns. New studies are showing that shooting a gun can help the development of a child. Even though there are some gun violence and safety concerns, parents who allow …show more content…

They argue that guns are too unsafe for a child and should never be in the hands of one. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) stated that “the absence of guns from children’s homes and communities is the most reliable and effective measure to prevent firearm-related injuries in children and adolescents ” (AAP 1). Although guns are dangerous, the best way to prevent injuries is not to get rid of guns completely. Shooting guns give kids many benefits, so to take them away completely would be wrong. The best way for parents to prevent gun-related injuries, according to NPR News is to teach kids the dangers of misusing guns so the kids know not to use them unless under supervision. Next, they argue that parents who let children use guns are encouraging violence in their children. Parents whose kids are allowed to shoot guns are not encouraging violence in them in any way. Dan Baum of TIME Magazine says that parents who allow their children to practice marksmanship are encouraging focus and discipline in their children, not killing. To conclude, parents who allow their children to shoot guns are not bad parents as others say they …show more content…

In fact, to “Invite a child to learn how to shoot and the message is: I trust your ability to listen and learn. I trust your ability to concentrate. I welcome you into a dangerous adult activity because you are sensible and trustworthy...hearing an adult call them to their higher selves can be enormously empowering. ” (Baum 1). In other words, when a parent lets their child shoot a gun, they are trusting them to use it safely. And when a child hears that their parents are asking them to be their best to participate in a ‘dangerous adult activity’, children, who often don’t get to do so, will listen and become more trustful towards their parents. These parents are not bad parents, they are only building a trustful relationship with their children by letting them shoot a gun. Another reason to why parents who let their children shoot guns are good parents is because letting children shoot guns disciplines them. Evidently, Dan Baum of TIME magazine explains “While traveling around the country talking to gun owners, I met several who told me that when their teenage sons or daughters were going “off the rails” — drinking, experimenting with drugs and getting poor grades — they started taking them shooting. The very counterintuitive nature of the invitation — giving guns to druggies? — snapped the children into focus...The discipline and focus that marksmanship

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