Argumentative essay draft
Imagine a minor has just been convicted of theft but their parents are the ones that are punished for the crime, not the minor. The parents had no knowledge of what was happening until they were punished while the adolescence is off the hook. Does that seem fair to you? No. Parents in most cases should not be punished for the crimes of their child because, the parents likely have no knowledge of the crime, at most ages children should know right from wrong, and the youth is the one that needs to learn the lesson. Parents should not be punished for something they likely didn’t know about. Yes parents will be encouraged to pay more attention to their child, but according to the article “Should Parents Be Legally
We will be helping with the Thursday Night meal at the Highland Center on the 5th Thursday of each month for the rest of the year. The next 5th Thursday is July 30th. Stephanie Slack will be heading up our group as Ronney Joe will be out of town.
Esteemed teacher at Elk Grove High School was arrested Thursday morning. Two Elk Grove police officers barged in on her first class of the day not only to find that she had controlled substances on her, but she also tried planting them on a student in said class.
I go to two different schools, Pierce County Skill Center in the morning and Cascade Christian in the afternoon. Their is a distinct difference in the two, and that is how they handle religion. At the Skill Center I have seen how some of the christian students are treated, christians are often dismissed and unheard, and atheists are put on a pedestal and openly listened to. I know atheists and christians alike that are good people and have good intentions, but their views are treated very differently. People should not be treated differently because of what they
It is clear Ryerson University needs a better way to make education accessible to all their students. With the constant delays of the transit systems we have, and the rising costs to commute, students are skipping lectures. The best solution to this problem is starting VR enabled lectures. This will keep expenses low for students and save time that students struggle to find. VR enabled lectures are far superior to the alternative, which is living on campus. By living on campus expenses increase and you’re not in the comfort of your home. Also it is not guaranteed you will get approved to live on residence because of the limited beds available. Being a computer science students we already have the necessary knowledge to make this possible, as
-Some may disagree with me because banning larger drinks will just make people buy more smaller sized drinks allowing them to take in more sugar and calories.
Every June, millions of schoolchildren walk out of their classrooms and head toward summer fun—and academics is the last thing on their mind. And as every teacher will tell you, it can take weeks or even longer to catch kids up to the level they had achieved the year before and settle into making actual progress! With today's challenging curriculum and emphasis on Common Core test scores, can you afford to let your kids fall victim to "summer slide?"
Caroline Kerr English 100 Mira Costa Community College April 2, 2015 Argumentative Essay In 2014, graduating college students debt on average increased by 25% — in 2008 going from $23,450 to $29,400; in 2004 only 900,000 students graduated in debt, in 2008 1.1 million students graduated from debt and in 2012 1.3 million students had gradated from a four year in college loans and debt (71% of all students). An even scarier statistic is that just from public schools in the United States over 65% of gradients had student loans as of 2012. The worst thing about this is that students who received Pell Grants (families that on average earn less that $40,00 per household) were more likely to have student loans, in fact 88% of Pell Grant students
Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a politician in recent years who has been elected to a national office without promising to improve education and focus their efforts on the betterment of their constituents’ children. Many of these politicians have succeeded at passing legislation to do so, but the latest of these, the Common Core standards initiative, is facing a very important query right now: does it work in America? Although Common Core is very well intentioned and in selective ways could be considered a success, there are many failures to consider as well. When dealing with such education, a vital issue, these failures must be dealt with. In order to ensure not only an equal education but also one of higher quality which the citizenry
Tuition costs in the United States have increased significantly causing many families to opt out from attending prestigious four-year universities. According to Flynn, “Today’s college graduate leaves campus with around $35,000 in student loan debt, and when you include interest payments, they’ll end up paying $42,385 over the life of the loan” (Flynn). In an effort to reduce the debts among individuals, students should consider attending a Community College as their educational experience prior to enrolling at a four-year university or as their career pathway.
Surprisingly, about 5 million people in the U.S. regularly accept the burden of driving and using gas to get to a gym to run on a repetitious, monotonous machine known as the treadmill. This means these people are neglecting the overall simplicity of running outdoors. Clearly, the majority decides running on a treadmill with valid reasons. However, you will be convinced that the undervalued choice of exercise, outdoor running, is more advantageous than the treadmill. Running on a treadmill and running outdoors are both superb options for exercise to develop cardiovascular strength and endurance. They both involve running which is the most common way to receive a workout. Although treadmills are the new breakthroughs in the fitness industry and are considerably convenient, outdoor running should be the ultimate choice for exercise because of its numerous health benefits and various exercise conditions.
Thesis: President Obama is trying to convince the United States that was a whole we set each other apart as a nation. He tries to point out different issues in American and explains new ideas to make the United States better as a strong government.
Poor stacey. She’s moved to a new town. She’s still coming to terms with her diabetes. She’s facing baby-sitting problems left and right. And her parents are no help. Luckily, stacey has three new ,true friends: kristy, claudia , and mary anne. Together they’re the BSC ,and and they will deal with whatever’s thrown their way- even if it’s a rival baby-sitting club. The baby sitters club are going against babysitting agency that they was amazing but it was making the kids they were baby sitting very sad they were sad to because they were being replaced with older sitters that were in 8th grade and they were only in 6th grade and could only stay out till 9:00 or 9:30 when the babysitting agency could stay out till 10:00 or 11:00 and that made
Times. /americas/19iht-princeton.1.10175351.html Fitzsimmons, W. 2014. Time out or Burn out for the Next Generation. Retrieved from
There have been several cases where parents have been punished for their children's crimes. Parents do love their children and parents should never stop protecting their child, but even so you should let your kid suffer from their wrongdoings. Children make their own choices. Sometimes it's the bad choice, but it's their choice. Parents should not be held responsible because it will not teach them. They will do it again if they do not take responsibility for their actions. You cannot control your child's choice. No one can.
Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power,threatened or actual , against oneself, another person, or against a group or community.