Guns, you may be aware of the debate whether citizens should have the right to own weaponry. For those of you that are not, it has been an argument whether citizens owning weapons should be allowed or not. One side uses the argument that guns kill people. The other side uses the argument that it’s not the guns that kill people, but the people wielding the gun. Is it really as dangerous as some may want you to think? Many people mis-use weapons, but it should still be a right to own them. By taking away our weapons, you take away how the people protect themselves, you take away one of the rights that have been here since the constitution was made, and you increase the amount of crime. When you take away a citizen’s weapon, you also take away
This article is called “The Case For Banning Guns”. This article is an opinion of an author name Paul Waldman. He believes that we should ban all guns from private hands. “Over 30,000 Americans die every year, and tens of thousands more are either injured or paralyzed from mass shootings or homicides,” said the article. The article also says,”There are about 300 million guns in this country alone.” He also believes America would be safer if the government constructed gun laws like the countries Europe or Asia. Where private gun ownership is relatively rare and is strictly regulated.
Gun violence is a topic that has been a very controversial topic all throughout the world since there have been a ridiculous amount of shooting tragedies. Through this article, a student from a high school in Maryland reached out to President Trump and his administration to voice her concerns about the topic. Although she is not the first to share her opinion aloud, her message especially stood out since she used a combination of strong effective words, and claims throughout her letter. This, then deeply impacts the US government since many will come to support the student’s viewpoints, pressuring the government to engage in some solutions.
The Second Amendment of the US Constitution protects individual gun ownership. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the Second Amendment; more gun control laws would infringe upon the right to bear arms. Justice Antonin Scalia, LLB, in the June 26, 2008 District of Columbia et al. v. Heller US Supreme Court majority opinion syllabus stated, "The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home." The McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010) ruling also stated that the Second Amendment is an individual right. Lawrence Hunter, Chairman of Revolution PAC, stated, "The Founders understood that the right to own and bear laws is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty as are the rights of free speech, a free press, freedom of religion and the other protections against government encroachments on liberty delineated in the Bill of Rights."
Regardless, on which side someone agrees with. We must all agree on one thing that something needs to be done to stop gun violence. Guns are not toys that it should be available to everyone. They are lethal weapons and should only be carried out by the law enforcements. So, what you think banning the ownership of weapons would make America a safe place to live in? Or, will the topic would cause the nation to get separated again just like the civil war? No one
Sandy Hook Elementary. Aurora, Colorado. San Bernardino, California. Las Vegas, Nevada. Orlando, Florida. (Words with Negative Connotation) These are just some of the biggest mass shootings that have swept America in the past few years. Hundreds of lives are lost each year to gun related violence in the United States alone. Gun control has been a topic in our country since our founding fathers adopted the second amendment to the US constitution. Although recently controversy has sparked to an all-new extent in America due to the recent spike in mass shootings and gun related homicides. So many families and loves ones are affected each year in the United States because of gun related violence and other mass killing events, because of these events gun control laws need to be revamped and strengthened in American in order to protect the citizens.
‘“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”’ (“Gun Control”) Due to firearms, more than 30,000 people die in America every year. Mass shootings happen frequently and people die because of the lack of laws and their security. The United States needs better gun control laws because automatic assault rifles are easy to buy, the mentally ill can purchase guns, and many die from guns each year.
Gun control has been a topic and discussion that's been talked about for a long time, years, even decades. The debate between Democrats, Republicans and Liberals both have well points of views and the restrictions, and laws. Topics such as rise in crime rates, background checks, opinions from both points of views Republican, Democrat, and Liberal. The debate whether we should have stricter gun laws, or would new laws help the current situation better. Gun violence has risen over the past 10 years Americans are concerned about this and want change, change for safer communities and less shootings around the country. The views on all three sides about gun laws and gun control as well as background checks are both the main factors that America is facing today, and questions on how we will bring these issues at hand to rest and peace, but it seems like a never ending cycle of repetitive arguments. But will we ever have a solution to all this argument?
One gun, one church, and one miserable Wednesday night. On June 17th 2015 Dylann Roof set out for a mass killing spree killing nine victims, including a pastor. The massacre happened during an evening prayer at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Dylann illegally purchases a .45-calliber Glock handgun for this crime. At bail set for $1 million dollars people are asking the question of is this racial violence, gun violence, or a very sick man. Although people may point the problem towards guns, they can be helpful in many cases.
Gun violence has been a conspicuous problem in the US, especially in recent times. The problem appears to be unique to the U.S, perhaps due to the advocacy that exists for guns by the NRA (National Rifle Association), as well as its constitution that permits household gun ownership. Thus, guns have grown to become a part of U.S culture, and there is an ongoing debate about how ethical or appropriate its (guns) prevalence is. Some argue that guns are needed, since they enhance the ability of people to protect themselves, while others protest that guns are harmful to society. I for one, am a strong believer in the latter, and assert that gun violence is the highest cause of death under the age of 40 in America - basing my argument of factors, such as the pervasiveness of guns, mass shootings, and the intertwining relationship between gang violence and drug distribution.
“The second amendment of The United States Bill of Rights is my concealed weapons permit, period.”- Ted Nugent. Saving lives one by one starts with limiting the purchase, sale, and use of guns in America. According to Alexander Lee, the political and social debate over the question of how much gun control is appropriate and it has been regularly discussed within the last decade. Shootings such as Sandy Hook, and Tucson shootings have raised the government’s awareness on guns and possible restrictions and regulations. Gun talks are discussed with the question, “Will controlling guns cut back on violent crime rates?” Although many guns are open to be sold to the public over 18, there are traditional gun laws that limit who can own them. These laws include sell restrictions to the mentally disabled, the age in which you can obtain a gun, background checks, and dishonorably discharged military personnel. Gun control laws could have a positive effect in America by reducing homicide rates, but at the same time, citizens still have the right to bear arms under the second amendment under the U.S constitution. Gun control laws do not mean the absolute confiscation of guns, but rather reduce the amount of power a gun and the amount of ammo that a gun can hold.
Gun control in the United States is a very controversial topic in today’s political society, leaving the nation divided into two sides with two strongly opinionated beliefs. This all started with the increase in the amount of mass shootings and an overall increase in gun violence. The two sides consist of the liberal point of view and the conservative point of view. The liberals believe that the availability of firearms to the people in the country is a major issue, and that the U.S. government is at fault for the mass shootings due to the lenient regulations on guns. In retaliation, the conservatives argue that having a gun is a God given right, that the Second Amendment of The Constitution. Although the availability of guns is seen to be
It is fair to say that a gun can save a life more than take one. This topic is largely debated. And will most likely continue to be debated. In the near future, hopefully, American citizens will learn how to use their guns wisely. The evidence that I have given shows that guns are dangerous and not needed in our society. If no one has a gun then there is no reason to protect ourselves. We are safe, and protected by the people who serve our country.
"The long, difficult history of gun control." Washington Post. 23 Dec. 2012: A8. eLibrary. Web.
A Facebook post saying that the second amendment is a joke and that guns kill innocent victims is just stupid. Honestly, how stupid of a person are you to believe and post that. If you are so ignorant that you think guns kill people then you shouldn't even be able to legally make critical life choices. A person has to be uneducated to honestly think that guns kill people. That is a simple english term called personification. Giving an object such as a gun human traits is simply fictional. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It’s that simple. Guns are just tools that make it easier. If people were unable to get their hands on guns, they would find other weapons or tools to do damage with.
Can guns kill people or do people kill people? There is a large argument going around whether the people in the USA should be allowed to have guns. We as american people have a constitutional right to bear arms. The thing is guns aren’t the problem it’s people that are so sick that they would go around and kill someone. There is no excuse for it. Taking away guns isn’t the answer for shootings to stop, there are plenty more ways people can get hurt. Guns were made to defend, and it we take them away what will he have that can counter an attack just as easily?