
Argumentative Essay: Keeping The Voting Age

Satisfactory Essays

To begin, as an eighteen year old American citizen, I believe that the voting age, being 18, should stay that way. Now that it is 2018, I truly do not think that anyone younger than me or even my age has the common knowledge to vote. I stand on this for three reasons; the age group of teens from 16-18 only really know the bare minimum about our government, no one in this time period will go out of their way to vote, and our voting percentages are already low in the United States. The voting age should stay the same.

First, if a 16 year old were able to vote, just know that they only know what they have learned. They are most likely in their 2/3 year of high school. I mean, sure they know who the first and twenty-fifth president is, who won the Viatnam War, or the story about Rosa Parks. But in the end do they know what is best for our country? Probably not. You will get a hand picked few who truly understand and know what our government lacks and or how it runs, that is if you're lucky. That surely does't mean that we need the whole generation eligible to vote. And that leads me to my next point. …show more content…

I know when I was sixteen, I could care less who was president or who was even in the upcoming election and that is because it did not affect me. Not a single 16 year old will go out of their way to vote either. Picture this- hanging out with their friends in their brand new ride, with their brand new license, and their mom calls and says "go to your nearest church and vote for our president honey." Not going to happen. This generation cannot do it, nor do they care to. I don't know about anyone else, but I really do not want the future of where I reside in the hands of some adolecent

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