
Argumentative Essay On Blank Space

Decent Essays

"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." – (Albert Einstein) This quote is very important to my topic, which is Taylor Swift’s music video for her new hit song “Blank Space”. The first image of Taylor is much different than we have grown accustomed to. She is no longer the country star wearing pink, but now a pop performer that has changed her image through song style and outfit choices.
This video opens with Taylor Swift sitting on a bed in all black about to tell us about her heartbreak story. The director uses outfit colors to portray the emotions of Taylor. When is wearing white, she is happy, when she is wearing black she is mad. Another way the color of clothes is used is through the male character. When we are introduced to him he is wearing all black and Taylor sings, “You look like my next mistake”. The ideas being here that Taylor is going to try to change him, even though it will end up a mistake. She even sings, “I can make a bad guy good for a weekend” Again, we see the outfit choices doing a lot of the talking. The guy is now wearing a white shirt, showing that he is no longer a bad guy, but we know he still has hints of it because he is still wearing a black vest. Soon after we see them in a park where Taylor is caught …show more content…

I decoded this message in some respects as Taylor and producer Joseph Kahn intended, which is a shocking video that puts Taylor in a whole new world, a world that the mass media describes her as. She was to me a believable character. I will be honest; I completely believed the mass media’s ideas of what Taylor Swift’s dating life is like, that is until I watched this video. In the video, I got the sense that it must be hard being in the news all the time and having rumors made up about you every time you pose with any guy. Finally, I think this video showed accurately what is like to go through a messy break

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